Jason Robinson
W3C SocialWG updated Activity Streams 2 candidate working drafts - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Jun/0041.html -

New improved candidate working drafts for the Activity Streams 2 spec that aims to provide a common way for social web applications to talk to each other. If you don't know what this means in practice - it is a huge thing for federated social networks. The real future for federated social web is using a common language, and that is what this work is about.

Really looking forward to this, already very good looking, work mature and API libraries to surface.

#w3c #socialwg #activitystreams #federation

Updated Candidate Working Drafts from James M Snell on 2015-06-23 (public-socialweb@w3.org from June 2015)