Klaus Weidenbach
Happy Bonn
Now Bonn has also a Pharrell Williams - Happy video. At least it is not 24hours long.

YouTube: Pharrell Williams - Happy BONN EDITION (Tanzschule Lepehne-Herbst)

Klaus Weidenbach
App für Verschüttete
Gerade erst gesehen, aber eine geschickte #FrOSCon Werbung in der Lokalzeit Bonn am letzten Mittwoch! :-D

App für Verschüttete : Lokalzeit aus Bonn vom 19.02.2014 - WDR MEDIATHEK

Die WDR MEDIATHEK präsentiert und archiviert Audios und Videos aus WDR Fernsehen und den WDR Hörfunkwellen - mit Schwerpunkt NRW. Hier können Sie viele Radio- und Fernseh-Sendungen direkt im Livestream oder nachträglich on demand verfolgen.
Klaus Weidenbach
Functional PHP
Interesting slides, but I still feel strange when I see functions as parameters. ;-)

Simonholywell: Functional PHP

How would you sum all the integers from one to ten? array('o', 'g', 'o') becomes array('P', 'H', 'P')...
Klaus Weidenbach
Das hört sich doch mal nach einem ziemlich guten Groupware Angebot an. Ab €1/Monat gibt es Mailhosting von Peer Heinlein, mit Mail, Kalender, Kontakte, Aufgaben, Textverarbeitung und Filesharing.

mailbox.org | mailbox.org

Wir bieten das sichere E-Mail-Postfach für Privat & Business unter einer Mailadresse, die sich sehen lassen kann: ich@mailbox.org. Gut zu merken, international verständlich. Seit über 20 Jahren betreiben wir E-Mail-Postfächer – als langjährigen Anbieter mit Substanz. Technisch perfekt und persönlich engagiert. Wir haben keine verdeckten Int...
Klaus Weidenbach
Interesting introduction to #Ansible. Also Vagrant got support for it recently.

#^ [Howto]First Steps With Ansible
Ansible is a tool to manage systems and their configuration. Without the need for a client installed agent and with the ability to launch programs with command line, it seems to fit between classic...
Reminds me I still wanted to set up a Vagrant development machine for redredmatrix.
Klaus Weidenbach
Australian winemaking company powered by #KDE

KDE.news: KDE Software Down Under

Today we proudly feature an interview with Bernard Gray from De Bortoli Wines, an Australian winemaking company.
Klaus Weidenbach
Meine Kinder hätten bestimmt ihren Spass daran. :-)

Wir legen jetzt selbst - WDR Fernsehen

"Da, jetzt platzt die Schale, siehst du den Schnabel? Es kämpft sich durch!" Es ist spät am Abend und im Brutautomaten von Hobbyzüchter Thomas Jensen schlüpft ein Küken nach dem anderen.
Klaus Weidenbach
© 2014 by Marc Oliver John | marcjohn.de – Alle Rechte vorbehalten, Keine kommerzielle Veröffentlichung ohne Genehmigung – All rights reserved, no commercial publishing without permission.
Klaus Weidenbach

Nytimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/16/us/eavesdropping-ensnared-american-law-firm.html (JAMES RISEN)

Australia spies on american lawyers by having access to indonesian telecommunications systems and offers this to the NSA... o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
The pictures from mount Kelud are quite impressive.

DW.DE: Volcano eruption covers Java in ash | All media content | DW.DE | 14.02.2014

At least two people have died and over 100,000 others have fled their homes following a major volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island of Java that has disrupted air travel and shrouded swaths of the island in ash.
Klaus Weidenbach
So quick we get rid of Friedrich. But we should have really got rid of him when he was still minister of the interior.

DW.DE: German Agriculture Minister Friedrich resigns amid Edathy scandal | News | DW.DE | 14.02.2014

German Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich has resigned following revelations that he passed on confidential police data about a child porn investigation involving a member of parliament.
Klaus Weidenbach
Having some performance problems recently on this quad core, 4GB RAM desktop system with OpenSUSE. The problem is caused by wait-IO of over 70%. There are just the ordinary suspects firefox eating a lot of RAM, plugin-container eating CPU and RAM, but nothing new or unusual. But also seeing btrfs-cleaner recently hogging up quite a lot of ressources.
Klaus Weidenbach
It's #ilovefs day!!! <3
Klaus Weidenbach
Not sure if I should recommend to watch this talk. It has some good points, but is this really from 2014?!? Feels like 3 years back before I heard about ~friendica ~friendica.
What a list:

IndieWebCamp: http://indiewebcamp.com/Projects

wow, they even mention ~friendica ~friendica in the D* article. o_O :facepalm

Vimeo: "Designing for privacy in mobile and web apps" Amber Case-Interaction14 (Interaction Design Association)

Well... they talk about StatusNet, which is dead AFAIK it's GNU Social nowadays ;-)
Klaus Weidenbach
Code is not literature

Code is not literature

I have started code reading groups at the last two companies I’ve worked at, Etsy and Twitter, and some folks have asked for my advice about code reading and running code reading groups. Tl;dr: don’t start a code reading group. What you should start instead I’ll get to in a moment but first I need to explain how I arrived at my current opinio...
Klaus Weidenbach
There is nothing you can not fixbreak with an update. ;-)

Maemo: maemo.org - Talk - View Single Post - Sailfish Update coming today

For those affected by the libsailfishapp storage location change, some explanations (this might be helpful for developers to fix their apps and/or for users to better understand why the breakage happened):
Klaus Weidenbach
Blinkenlights Starter Kit
Looking for some full-color RGB LED Stripes or a LED Matrix for a long time. TinkerForge sounds interesting. Does someone has experiences with these TinkerForge bricks?

Tinkerforge: http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Kits/Blinkenlights/Blinkenlights.html#starter-kit-blinkenlights

The Starter Kit: Blinkenlights is a huge, freely programmable display. It consist of 200 independently controllable full-color RGB LED pixels that can be changed up to 100 times per second. Possible applications are vast. The kit can be used to create party games, exhibition presentations, fancy mood lighting and custom displays of any kind.
hehe - great :-)
Klaus Weidenbach
mehr pro Monat!!! :facepalm

Abgeordnete von Union und SPD planen Gehaltserhöhung um 415 Euro monatlich

415 Euro sind 24 Euro mehr als der Eckregelsatz für Hartz-IV-Empfänger, aber auch für viele andere Deutsche eine ganze Menge Geld. Um diesen Betrag wollen sich die Bundestagsabgeordneten von Union und SPD ihre Diäten erhöhen. Im Monat. Und pro Person.
:headbang :headbang :headbang
Klaus Weidenbach
Ein interessantes Interview mit dem ehemaligen Opera CEO.

Jon von Tetzchner: "Opera hätte viel mehr erreichen können"

c't sprach mit Ex-Opera-Chef Jon von Tetzchner über seine alte und seine neue Firma. Er kritisiert, Opera habe die Interessen der Nutzer aus den Augen verloren und denke zu kurzfristig.
Ist es nur Zufall, dass das neue Projekt Vivaldi.net genau so heisst wie das KDE Vivaldi tablet? o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
Criminal Complaint against the German Government
#^#[url=http://friendica.dszdw.net/search?tag=%5E]^[/url]CCC | Chaos Computer Club files criminal complaint against the German Government
2014-02-03 00:18:00, henning On Monday, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and the International League for Human Rights (ILMR), have filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Prosecutor General's office. The complaint is directed against the German federal government, the presidents of the German secret services, namely Bundesnachrichtendienst, Milit...
This could get interesting. The full complaint in german can be found at

Ilmr: ILMR

, also a form for supporters.
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