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I like the idea of a wooden tablet! \o/

PiPad Build

Two weeks before I had to leave for Maker Faire Bay Area 2013, I decided it was time I built an enclosure for the PiPad. I'd been helping a guy in the Shed Tech Support queue that needed some help ...

But I think I would replace the Raspberry Pi with an Improv board.

SELinux and load data infile

#SELinux should be simple actually. It is just about labels. o_O But today I am again totally stuck and don't get along. For AppArmor I have found solutions, there is even one documented at Piwik's FAQ, but I can not find any satisfying solution for SELinux. I have tried several search engines, but somehow I can not find anything that solves this problem.

Here is my problem:

Try #1: LOAD DATA INFILE : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 13 Can't get stat of '/srv/.../piwik/tmp/assets/piwik_option-29b74e562dbd45071d2667ee8774bdfd.csv' (Errcode: 13)

This should be a common task I think, why I can not find anything appropriate? Either httpd is complaining or mysqld complains it can not access the required files.

audit.log show this:

type=AVC msg=audit(1390235950.375:12795): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=43196 comm="mysqld" path="/srv/.../piwik/tmp/assets" dev=dm-3 ino=1850123 scontext=unconfined_u:system_r:mysqld_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_rw_content_t:s0 tclass=dir
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1390235950.375:12795): arch=c000003e syscall=6 success=no exit=-13 a0=7fed64073930 a1=7fed64073860 a2=7fed64073860 a3=fffffffffffffffd items=0 ppid=2669 pid=43196 auid=0 uid=27 gid=27 euid=27 suid=27 fsuid=27 egid=27 sgid=27 fsgid=27 tty=(none) ses=5 comm="mysqld" exe="/usr/libexec/mysqld" subj=unconfined_u:system_r:mysqld_t:s0 key=(null)
type=AVC msg=audit(1390235950.375:12796): avc:  denied  { search } for  pid=43196 comm="mysqld" name="assets" dev=dm-3 ino=1850123 scontext=unconfined_u:system_r:mysqld_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_rw_content_t:s0 tclass=dir
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1390235950.375:12796): arch=c000003e syscall=4 success=no exit=-13 a0=7fed64074fc0 a1=7fed64074eb0 a2=7fed64074eb0 a3=fffffffffffffffd items=0 ppid=2669 pid=43196 auid=0 uid=27 gid=27 euid=27 suid=27 fsuid=27 egid=27 sgid=27 fsgid=27 tty=(none) ses=5 comm="mysqld" exe="/usr/libexec/mysqld" subj=unconfined_u:system_r:mysqld_t:s0 key=(null)

audit2allow gives me this solution:
\#============= mysqld_t ==============
allow mysqld_t httpd_sys_rw_content_t:dir { getattr search };

But this solution seems to grant way too much permissions for mysqld. I only want to allow it for this single folder, not all folders that httpd has rw permissions.

Looks like there is not such a big "share" culture in redred#matrix.
But he is right, so also a share from me. 😉

The entirely unintentional (beyond a few lines here and there to deal with KHTML quirks) integration of Konqueror and Red could well be the killer feature of both projects.

We said that people would do things with Red that we haven't even imagined yet. Some people were dubious of that, but it's already happened:

We've accidentally brought identity awareness to the desktop.

Music Timeline by Google Research

An interesting visualization. Wondering if there would be a difference if you would take iTunes instead of Google Play Music. :shrug

Music Timeline

The Music Timeline shows genres of music waxing and waning, based on how many Google Play Music users have an artist or album in their music library, and other data (such as album release dates). Each stripe on the graph represents a genre; the thickness of the stripe tells you roughly the popularity of music released in a given year in that genre.

A new order...

Finally ordered an #Improv today. 😀

Improv | Vaultechnology Store

A modular engineering kit that includes a swappable CPU and a separate feature card. The cost is $75 plus shipping, and taxes where applicable. More purchasing information. Currently available for purchase in North America and Europe (additional regions coming soon). Purchase today for shipping in January. More images, detailed information and proj...


Und wie bringe ich das meinen Kindern bei?

Toll! Rente & Weltkrieg - Frontal21: Toll! - ZDFmediathek - ZDF Mediathek

Wenn Politiker entscheiden, geht es nie um die Kosten, sondern immer nur um den Menschen. Doyé und Wiemers haben Beispiele dafür. Na gut, ein Beispiel!


"Selbst wenn wir unsere Emissionen nun auf null Prozent senken würden, würde dies das globale Problem ja nicht lösen."
José Manuel Durão Barroso, 22.01.2014 Brüssel

:facepalm #fail :headbang

This quote is from a german Spiegel Online article. I have tried hard to find any other reference to this statement, but could not find anything. 🙁 Is there no video recording of this press conference?


Live Q&A with Edward Snowden: Thursday 23rd January, 8pm GMT, 3pm EST | Free Snowden

@ferenstein what’s the worst and most realistic harm from bulk collection of data? Why do you think it outweighs national security? #AskSnowden
“permanent recordsâ€
The power these records represent can’t be overstated. In fact, researchers have referred to this sort of data gathering as resulting in “databases of ruin,†where harmful and embarrassing details exist about even the most innocent individuals.


Really nice progress in #sieve support.

What's in my mind » New in kdepim 4.13: SieveEditor

As usual I try to improve sieve support in KMail. In 4.9, I fixed the dialogbox  for managing them. In 4.10, I added a good text editor with highlighting and auto-completion. In 4.11, I added a dialogbox for generating sieve code directly (like kmail filter dialogbox) In 4.12 I added sieve script parsing and an UI to create sieve script even if yo...

Tolles Beispiel für #OpenData. Erinnert mich auch wieder da dran, dass ich noch zwei Hydranten überprüfen und in #OSM korrigieren wollte.

Wasserkarten für Feuerwehren

Mit können Wasserkarten und Hydrantenpläne für Feuerwehren ganz einfach und schnell online erstellt werden. Durch die leicht verständliche Oberfläche ist keine aufwendige Schulung notwendig.

Einmal mit Profis

Yesterday the NDR explains it can not provide the original Snowden interview because their own 100% subsidiary company did not grant them permission for the non translated version. o_O Today they put the original interview online, but only with a geoblock. 🤒 #fail They still don't understand the global scope or how the internet works.

Snowden-Interview in English

Whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked the documents about US mass surveillance. He spoke about his disclosures and his life to NDR journalist Seipel in Moscow. (Germany only)

Open Hardware for KDE

Interesting article about #Improv and Open Hardware in general.

Open Hardware for KDE

From its beginning, KDE has been a leader in innovation in free (libre) and open source software (FLOSS), but there is a threat to that leadership in one of the fastest growing areas of technology. The advantages of free and open development and use are clear for software; now closed and proprietary strategies have become standard in other kinds of technology. The need for technology freedom has moved from software to other more corporate-controllable areas—notably hardware and the Internet. As was the case when KDE started, community-developed, freedom-oriented technology is necessary to break the stranglehold of large companies that are more committed to managers and investors than to users. But this won’t be easy and it can’t be left to a few people. The entire KDE Community has a stake in the outcome. For that matter, this should be a concern to anyone who develops free and open software, anyone who uses it, anyone who benefits from it. And that includes just about everyone using technology today. New hardware has been announced that addresses the need for openness beyond software. Community help is needed to support a generous, far-sighted open hardware project involving mostly KDE people and certainly following KDE principles. Please consider contributing financially to open hardware for KDE.

Nice quote:

The opposite of "open" is "theirs".
David Weinberger

Industry first?

The leaked document already suggested it for #EU2030
Top EU body likely to roll back climate goals | Europe | DW.DE | 17.01.2014

Germany has criticized EU plans to drop binding targets for renewables and energy efficiency. A leaked document says the bloc will focus on cutting emissions but other climate protection measures will be rolled back.

Nothing good was to expect
Revised EU climate goals slammed | News | DW.DE | 22.01.2014

The EU's executive has proposed a less ambitious plan to reduce carbon dioxide, prompting condemnation from environmentalists. The plan still hinges on European Parliament debate.

New EU climate plans not good enough, say the experts | Environment | DW.DE | 23.01.2014

The European Union's new proposals are simply inadequate for a climate pioneer like Europe, say the experts. Many suspect that big business is getting preferential treatment.

How the hell could it happen that Günther Oettinger of all german politicians is responsible for energy in the EU?!? o_O He is fighting against The Energiewende for years and is still lobbying for nuclear energy. The presented numbers that renewable energy is much too expensive fit just too good in Oettinger's lobbyism.

Meanwhile they want to build two new nuclear plants in Hinkley Point, UK for around €19 000 000 000. Not including demolition or a final nuclear disposal site. It would never be lucrative without tax subventions, so this britisch atomic energy gets for 35years an assured price of €0,147/kWh. Wind energy plants that get build this year get an assured price of €0,093/kWh in Germany. WTF 🤒

Die Bonner Immobilienblase

Mal sehen wann es endlich platzt. Vielleicht bekommen wir dann eine bezahlbare Unterkunft für eine Familie hier.

Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung: Anzeichen für Immobilienblase in Bonn - NRW-Studios WDR

Wegen immer schneller steigenden Immobilienpreisen in Bonn befürchten Experten eine Immobilienblase. Seit 2012 hätten sich vor allem Eigentumswohnungen stärker verteuert als erwartet, so das Rheinisch-Westfälische Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. Für

Alles Terroristen

Jetzt macht es auch Sinn warum immer öfters von Ökoterroristen gesprochen wird. o_O 🤒

NSA-Skandal: USA spionierten Klimagipfel aus - und profitierten

Vor knapp vier Jahren blicke die Welt nach Kopenhagen. Dort sollte ein neues Klimaschutzabkommen ausgehandelt werden. Doch der Gipfel scheiterte, offenbar auch, weil die USA die Teilnehmer und Gastgeber ausspioniert hatten.