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Why Jolla reaches it's crowd funding tablet goal, but #Vivaldi and #Improv failed. 😕

Be a part of making the world’s first people powered tablet, running Sailfish OS 2.0.

Let's Encrypt


Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
Could not find statements of the "established" CAs yet.


Oh I like these modifications.


Submitted by Cyber Security ... on Tue, 28/10/2014 - 09:22 Security researcher Mordechai Guri with the guidance of Prof. Yuval Elovici from the cyber security labs at Ben-Gurion University in Israel presented at MALCON 2014 a breakthrough method (“AirHopper) for leaking data from an isolated computer to a mobile phone without the presence of a ne...

"Das geht gar nicht"

ääääääääääääääääääääääähhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!?!?!? o_O 🤷 o_O 🤷


Dutzenden US-Unternehmen hat das Auswärtige Amt erlaubt, in Deutschland Netzwerke nachrichtendienstlich zu analysieren. Damit wurden die der US-Armee gleichgestellt und helfen offenbar mit Vorarbeit zum US-Drohnenkrieg.

Ich glaub ich brauch jetzt erst mal eine Woche ohne Internet.


WAVE is developed and made available as a free community service by WebAIM. Originally launched in 2001, WAVE has been used to evaluate the accessibility of millions of web pages.

American Jaron Lanier, who is heralded as one of the pioneers of virtual reality, has received one of Germany's most prestigious publishing prizes. The ceremony took place on the last day of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Pay per WTF :-)

A Spanish comedy club is experimenting with a charge-per-laugh scheme using facial recognition software to monitor each member of the audience.

It's not a bug

It's not a bug -- it's a rendering choice made by the browser. As we kneel before the altar of the "ha ha, you can't control what your documents look like in HTML" philosophy, you, dear sinner (nay, blasphemer), can but take solace in the fact that Mosaic is putting a blank line at the start of all toplevel lists, including yours, entirely on purpo...

That was a link from an article at about 20 years Cascading Stylesheets.

How to make a computer

My daughter turns 6 next month. I think I found the perfect present for her (and me) 😁

Kano - How to make a computer
Kano creates simple, fun computer kits that anyone can make – perfect for kids of all ages.

Immerhin schon mal ein Broadcast.

Das Outernet-Projekt will kostengünstige Erdtrabanten ins All schießen, über die dann in alle Welt freie Inhalte gesendet werden. Mit dabei ist auch ein deutscher Sender.

Inherent Availability

Failures happen, we don't need to talk about that, so it is all about how quick you recover.

How quick you recover with cloned identities in a decentralised network? 😉

Die EU-Kommission hat eine Europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen die transatlantischen Handelsabkommen TTIP und CETA nicht zugelassen. Das Bündnis Stop TTIP will die erforderliche eine Million Unterschriften nun selbst sammeln.

The unofficial in-place upgrade from CentOS5 to 6 felt much easier than the beta-official in-place upgrade from CentOS6 to 7. 🤒
At least all sites look to be up again. SELinux still complains a bit, but it should be under control. This upgrade was quite a PITA and still some tasks to do. Really need to get the containers ready.

After two days finished painting another bench for kindergarten. Hope it will get dry before the rain they announced for tomorrow.



Some really nice material on this site and a good license.

Dototot is a creative media company and think tank specializing in educational material. The contents of this website are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

Encryption Browser Extensions?

If you need a browser extension so you can use PGP in a webmailer, why not get IMAP and use your mail program? o_O

Our Wish List for Encryption Browser Extensions | Community
PGP encryption is one of the most frequently requested features for Roundcube and for good reasons more and more people start caring about end-to-end encryption in their everyday communication. But unfortunately webmail applications currently can’t fully participate in this game and doing PGP encryption right in web-based applications isn’t a s...
How did people read their emails before there was a browser and webmailer?

19:15:46 up 814 days, 3:10, 1 user, load average: 0.11, 0.16, 0.17
time for a CPU, RAM and OS upgrade