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Some cherries?

Our cherry tree

Some of the cherries

And the result from today

If you want to pick up some cherries, the tree is still quite full.

Looking forward to a fresh roll tomorrow morning. 😁

Great essay by Eben Moglen, mostly the talks from "Snowdan and the Future", but for a larger audience in TheGuardian.

We now know the apparatus of repression has been attached to the democratic state, but our struggle for privacy is far from hopeless. By Eben Moglen

Container Breakout Proof-of-Concept

Oh serious?!? A root user with access to the host kernel can do bad things? I am shocked! 😉

At Docker we take security very seriously and try to be as transparent as possible. This morning proof of concept exploit code was published showing how to break out of a Docker Engine 0.11 container. The proof of concept exploit relies on a kernel capability that allows a process to open any file in the host based on its inode. On most systems, th...

Eigentlich sollte ein Querschnittsgelähmter das WM-Eröffnungsspiel anstoßen und das groß gezeigt werden. Doch die Fifa änderte den Plan. Warum, darüber darf ein beteiligter deutscher Forscher nicht sprechen.

Was für Konsequenzen kann die FIFA einem Wissenschaftler eigentlich androhen?

Chang habe unterschreiben müssen, keine Einzelheiten weiterzugeben, nicht einmal den eigenen Mitarbeitern.

You could DOS my mailbox easily

I used to have 5MB for a long time, now 1070MB of 1073MB used.
Need to get Dovecot and Sieve ready on my server, but I fear I am repeating myself. :facepalm

Gerade eine Tagesschau vom 15. Juni 1994 gesehen wo der erste gesamtdeutsche Familienbericht verabschiedet wurde. "Die wirtschaftliche Benachteiligung von Familien mit Kindern im Vergleich zu kinderlosen müsse abgebaut werden." Hat sich denn absolut gar nichts getan in den letzten 20 Jahren? Zumindest war es nicht wirklich erfolgreich. :facepalm

Extremadura health care has switched to open source

I already hear the administrations here, oh but we have just extended our Micro$oft XP "support" contracts. Switching would be much too expensive. :facepalm

The desktop computer systems of government healthcare organisations in the Spanish region of Extremadura all rely on free and open source software solutions. Over the past year, close to 10,000 computer workstations in public health care organisations have migrated to a customised version of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

Videos from Dockercon14

It’s already been a week since Dockercon 14. Today we are happy to release the first videos, keynotes from Day 1: We will publish more videos this week, as soon as we process them. Stay tuned!...


Was ist denn jetzt los? Der Bundespräsident ruft nach mehr Militäreinsätzen und ein CSUler hat Bedenken über die Grundgesetzmässigkeit der vom deutschen Bundestag abgenickten Interventionen der letzten Jahrzehnte? o_O

CSU-Vize Peter Gauweiler sagt, Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr wie in Afghanistan seien nicht vom Grundgesetz gedeckt.

Ein gefährliches Pflaster?

Letzte Woche gab es zwei Einbrüche direkt in der Nachbarschaft. Einmal der direkte Nachbar und einmal schräg über die Strasse. Vor ein paar Jahren wurde schon beim anderen direkten Nachbar eingebrochen und der hat sich seitdem total verriegelt. Was mich irgendwie wieder zu einem Thema von meiner TODO-Liste bringt: Offsite-Backup

Proudly sponsored from Germany by BASF and Bayer...
Neonicotinoids at 17m 30s

Why European companies lobby in the USA? Did I hear #TTIP?


Interesting mounting.

My Name is Brian and I Build Supercomputers in My Spare Time | Parallella

Brian Guarraci is a software engineer at Twitter and in his spare time he’s building a Parallella cluster with a design that was inspired by two of the most iconic supercomputers ever made. When we saw pictures of Brian’s cluster we were impressed and when we shared these with the community, it became apparent that we were not the only ones! It...

Die Kinder sind es Schuld...

Tolles Zitat in frontal21 heute Abend:

Es ist kein Zufall, dass eins der grössten Armutsrisiken in Deutschland, neben Arbeitslosigkeit, Kinder sind.

Docker 1.0

Should set up some containers soon.

On March 20, 2013, we released the first version of Docker.  After 15 months, 8,741 commits from more than 460 contributors, 2.75 million downloads, over 14,000 “Dockerized†apps, and feedback from 10s of 1000s of users about their experience with Docker, from a single container on a laptop to 1000s in production in the cloud … we’re excit...

TYPO3 Neos 1.1 released

Including Content Dimensions finally, so hopefully multi-language will arrive soon.

News - TYPO3 Neos 1.1 released - TYPO3 Neos

by TYPO3 Neos Team on June 19th, 2014 We, the Neos Team, are pleased to release TYPO3 Neos 1.1. For this release, we wanted to build a strong foundation for the major features that we are preparing for future releases. As such, we focused on stability and performance improvements. One of the biggest new features in this release is a ...

Icinga 2.0


Icinga 2.0 has arrived

The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Today we release our stable version of Icinga 2.0: One incredibly powerful, ingeniously scalable piece of monitoring software that is simple to install, logical to configure and easy to extend. If you have been on another planet for the last 20 months, you can catch up on our numerous...


Nettes Tool um ganz verschiedene IO Workloads testen zu können.

Hier ein schon etwas älterer Artikel aus dem ADMIN Magazin:

Einfache Disk-Benchmarks messen oft nur einen bestimmten Anwendungsfall. Der flexible I/O-Tester Fio simuliert ganz unterschiedliche Workloads und...

It's all about the sport...

:headbang :headbang :headbang

How can such a criminal and corrupt association get tax reduction because of their benefit to the public?!? :facepalm
Please close FIFA!

Only Sony headphones are allowed.

Home |Tech | News |Back to article Turn on, tune in, sneak out (Image: Michael Olivers/Alamy) Using documents leaked by Edward Snowden, hackers have built bugs that can be attached to computers to steal information in a host of intrusive ways RADIO hackers have reverse-engineered some of the wireless spying gadgets used by the US National Sec...