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The circular logic here is sickening. You see, it's the media's fault nobody knew people were eating cats and dogs in Springfield. I mean, what else could they possibly say to defend such remarks?

"In response to questions from The Washington Post, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said people in Springfield were experiencing “very real suffering and tragedies” that have been “largely ignored by the liberal mainstream media until now.”

in reply to BrianKrebs

Reason, of course, has nothing to do with this. It is an attempt to bond with ordinary citizens who feel neglected, cheated by the heartless government. Even if no actual cat meals were prepared, the MSM is ignoring the suffering. Oh, the suffering!
in reply to BrianKrebs

If the story is "Republicans are lying to you," and it is, what is the point of even asking the liar for another lying comment?


in reply to BrianKrebs

This is why it was so critical that the ABC debate moderators had reached out to Soringfield, OH city officials ahead of time. Someone on the prep team was monitoring Trump campaign adjacent socials ahead of the event and had the foresight to recognize the topic was on trend for the sort of chaotic hearsay they seed into the discourse.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Even the "explanation" is a lie. Whatever the people of Springfield might or might not be suffering, it is not because of the Haitian refugees. Many accounts have them saving the town.

It is just total racist bullshit from top to bottom.

in reply to BrianKrebs

It's worse than that. Just reading about how this is a distraction to the Bernie Mereno breaking $$$ corruption and a key senate seat which the media is IGNORING and instead covering this BS. Mike Barnacle has it right folks - media is playing checkers not chess.