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In the fresh report "Investing in #Rust" by Shane Miller yours truly is quoted several times.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

It has a nice feeling to it that some people actually read what I write.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I scrolled through and didn't see compiled memory-safe languages mentioned. That is bordering on fraudulent. If memory safety is paramount concern, then why Rust and not Go or D?
in reply to Account: Computers

@pro I can spot two such languages mentioned in the first paragraph.

But more importantly: I am in no way associated with this report. No need to tell me this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I write for my future self so I'm guaranteed an audience of at least one 😂
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

technocratic solutions do not solve a lot of problems eg. the same people (White house, etc) nary a mention of how to provide more financial support for open source activities ... open source development is superior to commercial but the lack of financial underpinnings means it can only go so far. That seems like a much larger problem to me then choosing 'language X over language Y'.