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Please remember that Mastodon doesn't have a marketing team or budget. Whatever media coverage Mastodon gets is from inbound interest from journalists. The growth of the platform has been predominantly through word of mouth. If you want the fediverse to grow, tell your friends.
in reply to Eugen

Frankly, I'm perfectly happy with the size it is already! 😀
It's only the capitalist mindset that demands endless growth and size and, as you point out, we don't operate with profit motives and marketing.
It will grow like linux. Slowly and organically, simply because it's better. Yes, by word of mouth, but I don't think there needs to be any real pressure for it. It will just happen naturally.
I'm always baffled at the huge size of the mother ship; it seems counter productive to the goals of decentralization.
At least, as I understand them, but you are the guys steering and I'm in the back seat.
@cwebber Others too, of course - I just can't think of their names just now.
in reply to Kermode

@gemlog @cwebber I disagree; I think everybody deserves a chance to try the open social Web.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

I don't wish to deny it to them either! The more the merrier. I wasn't saying it should remain static and as it is. I have an instance of glitch ready to go myself. And I keep toying with friendica and ... 😉
I just think it will grow organically well enough by itself. I promote it to my friends too, of course. But what's the rush to a push?
There are aspects that need some time to mature that don't effect me, but I constantly see people criticize: moderation.
I don't know what the fix is, because paid moderators are obviously out of the question.
I feel like I'm equipped with enough tools to moderate for myself, *but* I'm an old, straight, cis white man and not a target that I've read of being tormented on fedi. I don't know what to do about that at all, but maybe the increased pressure of explosive growth would spur a solution you think? I don't know. Solutions often do happen in such situations. Perhaps I am wrong to think that gradual, slow growth is the way to go. It certainly wouldn't be the first time for me.
Today I read a very tech-savvy young woman who has been tormented off fedi, which I found very worrying. I read a bunch of her posts. I've learned things from her in the past myself. She has the same ability to mute, block fedizens/domains as I do and yet...
@Gargron @cwebber
in reply to Kermode

@gemlog @cwebber that's a long time for a lot of people to be stuck in siloed social networks.

It's fine if you have other things to do.
