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When we read about the events at the Fediforum

or listen to the talks at the "Berliner #Fediverse Tag"

we hear a lot about what FEDI apps may be able to do for us tomorrow.

Doing so i wonder if it is known what #Hubzilla #^ can do for us TODAY.

in reply to Tobias


some some - yes and no 😉


you should know best what is going on - maybe you can give as a better picture of all - why is HZ ignored and do you really believe all this other apps which get developed and now promoted will be any better ?

This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼

@𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 yes, some people do know what Friendica, Hubzilla and the rest of the family can do already 10 years ago. And yes Friendica is already a large step behind Hubzilla.

For many it is ignorance, and many ignore it as they focus on different things or what they have with Mastodon is already enough for their needs.

One crucial aspect is the lack of advertisement, not only for Hubzilla. E.g. I hate it to give talks only about Friendica, but in conversations after talks about the Fediverse in which I introduce myself as being one of the Friendica core devs, people come and talk about the differences between the most widely used piece of software on the Fediverse and Friendica (in my case). And this is already breaking up the ignorance about he relationship of the Fediverse and Mastodon. But for this we need offline places to meet and talk.

It does not guarantee that people then actually try different apps that belong to the Fediverse. Because at the end of the day, time had to be spend on different things.