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Personal Finance Manager

Since yesterday I am looking on some personal finance manager tools for Linux. I need to track bit more in which areas we spent our money. I cannot believe that the 2nd biggest asset after living costs is kindergarten and all the fees and bills we have to pay for our kids. o_O The spreadsheet I started two weeks ago is not working well for this, so I am looking for a better solution. I have worked with #KMyMoney for some time before, but 8-10 years ago. On my current distribution I also found #HomeBank and #Skrooge what I have heard much about in the last time.

HomeBank is a simple program with most features you would expect, but it just feels too alien on my KDE desktop. Also the imports are just the basic ones.

Skrooge is bit more powerful and also integrates into my desktop much better. Interesting dashboard and nice looking. It has quite many imports and also a KMyMoney import. Had some crashes and I was missing a feature to import my transactions directly from my bank.

KMyMoney I already used several years ago. It is still the most powerful tool from the ones that I looked at and the only one with HBCI to directly download my bank transactions from the bank. Because I used it before the usage felt directly common and also the only one to import my bank transactions. I think I will go with KMyMoney again.

Last night I also played a bit with Android's GnuCash on my Jolla phone. I think I can use this to track my cash expenses on the go and import them later to KMyMoney. But this workflow I need to test bit more, especially how to map accounts and categories between these two.

What tools do you use? Any other recommendations or workflows?