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The story about Trump's remarks where he told a rally to vote for him so that they wouldn't have to vote anymore in the future is "above the fold" on WaPo's website, but the headline they used is baffling given everything else he said: "Trump Calls Harris a 'Bum,' Complains About Biden" misses the mark by a wide margin.

Trump being a big baby and calling people names is not new. To my knowledge, this is the first time he has actually voiced his ideas about an authoritarian government.

in reply to BrianKrebs

If you have the stomach for it, go watch videos of his past rallies and you will discover he has been saying this for a quite a while. The media is very slow in catching up.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Thanks for posting. My issue with the way most media handles Trump is that they let him say stuff, and then they NEVER follow up to let him "clarify" his statement. They just assume they know what he means. Sometimes they challenge him, which shuts him down.

I'd much rather they let him get hung by the tongue: Follow up with "What do you mean by that?"

And if you really want him to expound, just throw in a "sir" at the end. Then he will think that you think he is an expert.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to BrianKrebs

less important, but I’ve not seen anyone note it, he seems to say
“My beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you. You gotta get out. You gotta get out and vote”
in reply to BrianKrebs

Lyin' and laffin' didn't work so now he chooses "bum"? Childish taunts getting weaker and weaker.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I hope the Harris campaign team is getting ready to put out videos of this authoritarian crap. If the papers aren't going to tell people, someone should.
in reply to BrianKrebs

he actually did it at least once before to my knowledge. It was back in June, I think. Almost the same verbiage, word for word.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Trump has plainly said he would be a dictator on day one.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Are you really going to mock a former US president that was just shot by a gunman? Thats very unamerican and wrong.

in reply to BrianKrebs

And I was wishing that a #Harris staffer would remind #Trump that campaigning under a gag order with a defamation lawsuit hanging over his head might be counter-productive if he expects to hold rallies at all. #Defamation #DonTheConvict
in reply to BrianKrebs

All the panic about Russian propaganda in our national dailies are calls coming from inside billionaires' domestic propaganda operations masquerading as newspapers.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Since 8 years it makes no sense to me what this person says, ever. So, so, so many stuff that shows how unqualified he is for anything. His term was full of embarassing moments and still people follow him. There is something deeply wrong, when such a person can damage the US democracy so much. Nobody voting for him can say 'I didn't see this coming'!
in reply to BrianKrebs

WaPo isn't worth considering these days, might as well consider the national enquirer first.
in reply to BrianKrebs

This morning's #guardian has Trump's promise that we will never have to vote again as the first article top left.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I think trump is human garbage and want him gone. however, in this case he might mean that he's going to fix things so perfectly, that they won't need to worry about anything ever again (including voting)

it's bullshit, just like everything else he says. how on earth are people going along with it...? they cheered. even the most charitable interpretation of this is a total impossibility.

in reply to BrianKrebs

I'm also certain that's what Frump believes, and will act accordingly, meaning he is practically guaranteed to stage a coup regardless of the outcome of this election.
And this is really what the media should be reporting on: that his rhetoric is about to create another J6 !
in reply to BrianKrebs

DK why the media is underreporting it.
It really should be reported, especially given the Supreme Court ruling on immunity:
All indications are that the Supreme Court will allow him to remain in office as a dictator for life.
Even if SCOTUS doesn't, there is nothing that will stop him from staging a coup after his 4 years in office, given their immunity ruling.
in reply to BrianKrebs

WAPO and NYT have squandered their integrity. They are now below national enquirer and the supermarket gazett.
in reply to BrianKrebs

IMO this has been mis-interpreted. TFG was signaling not changes to voting or an authoritarian government - it's about mass deportation, something the GOP convention, Project 2025, and Fox are not shy about claiming is the answer to all MAGAs' problems. TFG’s ramble should be interpreted as “vote for me so my goons will get rid of the opposition and you ‘humble, patriotic working families’ can return to the past you think you remember.” See
in reply to BrianKrebs

Emperor Donald Trump the first. An Baron Trump as next in line.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I've watched quite a large number of his speeches for the last 3 years. By my account this is the fourth time he's talked about this. In addition, he also is begging Russia to help him win the election. In one speech he'll talk about how great Putin is, how smart, how powerful, then in the next speech I'll talk about how he'll end the Ukraine war instantly, all you have to do is get him elected. You just have to do the math to see how that one adds up. Take that with the Paul manafort and Robert Stone crap and it's pretty obvious He's working to help Russian monsters gain control of Ukraine