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There are no more open issues in the #ActivityPub issue tracker!

Thanks to all, but mostly to @evan who diligently and tirelessly did much/most/all of the work!!


in reply to Johannes Ernst

I think it's a great milestone. It's taken more than a year of weekly meetings to get through them.

I should be clear that there are no _untriaged_ issues. Some of the issues are still open, but we know what needs to be done.

in reply to Johannes Ernst

I must be missing something. I see 85 open issues on the page you linked.
in reply to Steve Bate

@steve we have no more *untriaged* tickets. There are still a lot of open tickets left to work on!
in reply to Evan Prodromou

Ahhh, I understand now. Thanks for the clarification and the work you've done on the triage.