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Is a social network for meeting new people or for staying connected to people you already know?

#EvanPoll #poll

  • All meeting (4%, 20 votes)
  • Mostly meeting (49%, 202 votes)
  • Mostly staying connected (41%, 170 votes)
  • All staying connected (4%, 20 votes)
412 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

in reply to Evan Prodromou

It depends on the network. FB is just for staying connected (or I would have quit long ago). Here I'm meeting people.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

@tlariv It's both nature and nurture. But people will also put up with a lot to be social and communicate.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

depends on the social network, and whether the posts are public or private. I enjoy meeting all kinds of interesting people here, but not many of my friends are here. I voted MSC.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

Staying connected is what I wanted.

Meeting new people is most of what I actually get.

Both are good, though.

in reply to Evan Prodromou

Meeting people and staying connected with those people.

The latter depends on the former, but the former is pointless without the latter.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Evan Prodromou

Staying disconnected. Oh, I thought we were discussing my anti-social network. It involves a couple tin cans with strings strung between them and the strings all quite frayed so nothing much gets through unless someone is really loudly screaming, and sometimes not even then. Works quite well!
in reply to Evan Prodromou

none of the above, really. journalism mostly. the noun is media. the adjective is social. the people we meet along the way are for deciding what gets shared, primarily. the comments and what they say matters, but much less than how their boosts decide what we see and content virality. decentralized social media is going to democratize attention, giving control over culture back to the people. IMO.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Evan Prodromou

That's a hard one: "staying connected" is for nerds only, because who uses the fediverse anyway 😉? My take is: focus on your own wiriting, narrate your story (in the sense of the construction of identity), invite people you know (mostly from outside the fediverse) and hope for new connections you would not even have thought of or hoped for.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Unknown parent

Evan Prodromou
@BRicker mostly one, or mostly the other?
in reply to Evan Prodromou

Fedi is both keeping up with fellow refugees from Xhitter, and finding news/ content and finding more folks who find & share those nice things on the topics well covered here.
FB is almost solely friends/relatives who are ONLY there, and SIG Groups, which incidentally result in a few new ^imaginary friends^. BlueSky keeps up with a largely separate set of refugees & topics; there are a few of us using both.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

This prompted a surprisingly-fruitful reflection for me, starting from my gut response being both, but neither at its core.

My ideal social networking software would give me an overview of who I have & haven't been connecting with, and have well-designed nudges and other tools to help me be more intentional about who I network & connect with.

There used to be calendar software which did something like this for one's scheduling, LifeBalance from Llama Graphics. People still miss it. 1/?