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How would you rate the management of Joe Biden declining the Democratic presidential nomination?

#EvanPoll #poll

  • Excellent (37%, 109 votes)
  • Good (31%, 91 votes)
  • Fair (17%, 52 votes)
  • Poor (14%, 42 votes)
294 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

in reply to Evan Prodromou

With an emphasis on the management part, I would say excellent. Support quickly coalesced around Harris as nominee, energy levels shot through the roof and almost $100M raised in 24 hours. Whether it should have happened is a different question and one I will revisit November 6th.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

I would like to see how fast new presidential campaign team setup and how soon attack ads on Trump is going to be setup. Biggest issue is not the new candidate but campaign team. How fast can they setup the network. Is there going to be a seamless transition from Biden team to new candidate? Working on launching new computer programs and products are very difficult. Are Democrat ready to execute it efficiently?
in reply to Evan Prodromou

Pretty good if you assume it had to be after that debate performance, pretty bad I'd you allow for the option of dropping out before the primaries or not running at all.
in reply to Brian Danger Hicks

@ckape so, let me challenge that.

Doesn't there seem to be a benefit in terms of excitement, focus and momentum in having this last minute switcheroo?

I don't think it would have been as strong if Biden had announced he wouldn't seek reelection in January 2023.

in reply to Evan Prodromou


Any such "changing of horses in midstream" has its own risks, but Biden's done far better than I expected, speaking as a guy who's complained about his age as a downside.

But trying to say this was all planned out - in some sort of Panglossian shoes-were-meant-to-be-worn logic - no, Biden's change of heart wasn't planned.

This had to hurt him, personally.

in reply to Evan Prodromou

I've been pretty impressed. Clearly they got all their ducks in a row before announcing. The lightning-fast coalescing around a single candidate by the usually chaotic party was quite unexpected to me.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

I think many of us are forgetting how like a week ago he was like "you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands." That was pretty insulting to the huge majority of Dems who expressed that he was out of step. He could have said, like, "I'm reflecting on this feedback but in the meantime I'm in it all the way." Instead he was like "how dare you question my obvious vivacity!"

But you gotta say the timing, waiting until after the GOP convention, was inspired. And the endorsement.

in reply to Evan Prodromou

So far as I can tell (I've been away), it was entirely done using Twitter: no speech, no press conference, no advance notice to his aides. Looking at , I don't even see a press release.

Putting aside any issues one might have with Twitter, this is not how to manage an important matter. I've seen people joke that this was a coup by the intern who manages Pres. Biden's social media account. I don't see how to prove it wasn't.


in reply to Evan Prodromou

Better late than never but personally I would’ve preferred he dropped out before the primary. Because this is now two elections in a row where my primary vote was essentially pointless because in 2020 by the time Maryland held their primary everyone but Biden had dropped out of the race.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

I'd say good. It seems to have gone pretty smoothly and the timing was pretty lucky.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

I feel like her campaign didn't have a heads up that was probably needed just from watching the digital side unfold. I feel like they should have been ready with a website and it should have been redirected at the time of the announcement. Even a few hours after it happened still redirected to they eventually fixed it with a redirect to ActBlue for donations. Today, the website exists but is just a store and donate. No policy info.