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Is it me, or is the latest Sonos mobile app a giant piece of $#!+? What used to take me 10 seconds to play a song or station I like now seems to take 6x as long. I don't understand how they could have fscked it up so badly.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Having the Sonos CEO's "our bad" note about their could-hardly-be-worse update to their software was nice the first time I saw it, but now it's just grating on me every time I open the app and have to wait 30 seconds for something that used to take 3. I still can't even control the volume of the speakers with the new app; every time I try it either doesn't change the volume or the slider disappears. How about they just make it easier for people to downgrade, instead of making your customers wait until fall (or later) to be able to properly use their speakers?
in reply to BrianKrebs

I have the same response to that ridiculous “sorry but too bad” memo.
in reply to BrianKrebs

never thought much of Sonos, and “our bad” is not changing my mind
in reply to BrianKrebs

FWIW - I've developed products in this category, and after the initial solution to a problem (multi-room wireless music streaming) it begins to be dominated by a new set of people looking to monetize that, using an APP and CI/CD, to be "the next Apple" or "the Uber for this-or-that".
As an engineer, it's depressing.
in reply to BrianKrebs

It's maddening and brings the rage every time I open the app. I continue to get alarm notifications from the app despite not having any alarms set on the system.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I would recommend switching to HomePods. Two of them in a stereo pair sounds amazing and you won’t have to deal with Sonos’ shitty app.
in reply to Arik

exactly. like, if you bought their super expensive subwoofer, that's probably been useless since this update as well. And AFAICT Sonos hasn't officially acknowledged the sub issue either.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I wanted my Apple TV remote to control the sound coming out of my Sonos and also correctly display the volume on my TV as it changed. Due to limitations in hacky eARC, etc that required me to use to use a then video processor to redirect audio from the TV while leaving the internal speakers active. The ATV controls the TV volume, and a RPi queries the TV’ss volume over HTTP then syncs it to the Sonos.

It used to seem hacky and unreliable, now it seems more reliable then the app.

in reply to BrianKrebs

ah, but you see

1. He doesn't really care and only speaks human after an uproar
2. The headphones no one asked for and which I have seen precisely zero of in the wild need the new app

in reply to BrianKrebs

All they have to do is republish the S1 app temporarily. It won't work with their new devices but 95% of the complaints would disappear overnight.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Weirdly I’ve not had that pop up even once. Didn’t know it existed until now.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I think they probably got ransomwared and lost the source code. There is no other explanation for why they started over.
in reply to BrianKrebs

i had to help someone yesterday with their Sonos. I was astonished that it takes about 30 seconds for volume changes to apply to the speaker. That is if it even applies at all. #Sonos
in reply to BrianKrebs

there's a rumor that they'll be going back to the old app for now.

considering they just fired a bunch of folks, i don't expect the new app to get fixed quickly.

in reply to BrianKrebs

Home Assistant+Music Assistant. It isn't perfect, but it's surprisingly robust and generally works without issue.
in reply to BrianKrebs

That’s okay, they are bringing back the software architect responsible for the 20 year old former infrastructure and app - the one they decided needed a complete rewrite due to its issues - to oversee the effort to fix the new app. As told by the CEO himself in the latest quarterly report conference call transcript But have no fear they’re gonna offer special discounts to loyal customers for the next two quarters. What a plan.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Luckily I mostly use AirPlay or home assistant to control the speakers which still works great. But yes, it’s a huge pile of crap. When it launched everything just broke, even now it’s hard to start things from the app and at some point it just crashed on every start. I had to delete and reinstall the app.