Klaus Weidenbach
modulare IT

Phonebloks: Phonebloks

Support Phonebloks! A phone worth keeping by Dave Hakkens
Somehow this #phonebloks reminds me bit on the #Jolla phone where you can at least exchange a part of the phone or even more on the KDE tablet. They create their own PCBs and processing units (EOMA-68) and can easily swap parts or the customer can buy an upgrade for the tablet.
The last news already look really impressive:

Rhombus-tech: news

Thanks to Joe (of GPL-squared) for helping to spot some schematics errors swapping the LCD-HSYNC and VSYNC in one area and LCD-DE with HSYNC in yet another: removing one of the bank of 4 resistors and replacing it with 0.5mm wires in a tiny tangled cross-over mess allowed the picture below to be taken, which demonstrates several things: So that is ...