Klaus Weidenbach
HTML5 offline
Have read often about these new #HTML5 offline features, but saw them really seldom in production.

Linux Magazine: HTML5 Offline - Linux Magazine

An offline cache in your browser and a bit of HTML5 acrobatics combine for interactive web applications that keep working even when the Internet connection breaks down.
Klaus Weidenbach

Alistapart: Application Cache is a Douchebag (Jake Archibald)

We're better connected than we've ever been, but we're not always connected. ApplicationCache lets users interact with their data even when they're offline, but with great power come great gotchas. For instance, files always come from the ApplicationCache, even when the user is online. Oh, and in certain circumstances, a browser won't know that that the online content has changed, causing the user to keep getting old content. And, oh yes, depending on how you cache your resources, non-cached resources may not load even when the user is online.