Guido Arnold
A study by the European Commission concludes that Free Software is a driving force for innovation in Europe:
The argument that established revenue models of the software industry were being eroded by open source software being available for free can no longer be upheld. Instead, there are many examples of successful OSS applications that are generally viewed as innovation drivers. Furthermore, working business models have been developed and have proved to be successful.

Read the whole study: The economic and social impact of software & services on competitiveness and innovation

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #EU #Europe #innovation #economy

The economic and social impact of software & services on competitiveness and innovation - Information technology and telecommunications - EU Bookshop

Final report
Anahuac de Paula Gil
And this is the key of the open source counter revolution to destroy Free Software: the big letter says Free Software, but on the text they call it OSS - Open Source Software as they mean the very same when they didn't.
Free Software is about freedom, open source is about market.
Björn Schießle
Regarding "Free Software vs Open Source", that's my position: