Klaus Weidenbach
Installing #ownCloud 4.5 was very smooth. #Mediagoblin is still not configured correctly. :( Problems with the db connection when accessed through #FastCGI and #SELinux needs some adjustments, too.
Klaus Weidenbach
At least I can register users at my #Mediagoblin instance now. :-)
Just had to add one line to the Apache2 vHost-configuration of Mediagoblin:SuexecUserGroup mediagoblinuser mediagoblingroup
But after that it got really messy, because of all the requirements of suEXEC in #CentOS that need to be met, like UID > 500, document root must be under /var/www/, etc. Everything that was not met of course. o_O

Still have not looked closer on the SELinux problem and processing of pictures is also not working yet. I get a success message of the upload, but nothing gets displayed or processed as far as I can see.

MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run.
But it is a lot of hard work to get there. I haven't tried their official deployment with Debian and nginx. Maybe that is easier.