8 comments show more
Pim van der Eijk
Not really sure what this about: - They're selling it at cost, so it's not bringing in any money. - There's no guarantee this goes to developers. If they're all picked up by enthusiasts, what are developers going to use? - Seriously, 1000 phones? At this price, they could easily have sold ten times more.

The only good thing is that they can show the world and media something is happening around Jolla.
Pablo Navarro
Hi pimvandereijk, I think they amied to cheer up the app ecosystem, and that's why they did it with zero revenue. Of course there is no guarantee all this handsets are going to end only on hands of developers, but it was anounced before on devel mail-list so those most of them were aware of this program a bit before it was totally disclosed. Also, I understand that since they're not making money with this movement (even when after the tablet, they're focusing only on software) they're not going to dedicate the same effort that they put when they released the Jolla phone or the tablet. 1000 is a good number taking into account that they have some partnerships ongoing (Intex, for example) and they announced that because of the great success they're going to study the possibility of make another round. All this is IMO :)