Klaus Weidenbach
mirror your GitHub issues
Interesting tool...

GitHub: piwik/github-issues-mirror

github-issues-mirror - Provides a read-only mirror for your GitHub issues
cool :-)
Klaus Weidenbach
TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4
What a changelog :-)

Typo3: TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4 - TYPO3Wiki

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4 which was released on July 8th, 2014. This is part of a combined release of TYPO3 CMS 4.5.35, 6.1.10 and 6.2.4. The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary. Here is a list of what was fixed since 6.2.3: If you have skipped one or more versions while upgrading to t...
Klaus Weidenbach
Need to pull the new official Docker images

Docker: https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/centos/


Centos: Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 - CentOS Wiki

Hello and welcome to the first CentOS-7 release. CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat.
CentOS conforms fully with Red Hat's redistribution policy and aims to have full functional compatibility with the upstream product. CentOS mainly changes packages to remove Red Hat's branding and artwork.
Klaus Weidenbach
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.0

Horde: [announce]Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.0 (final)

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version 5.2.0.

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is a free, enterprise ready, browser based communication suite. Users can read, send and organize email messages with four different webmail interfaces and manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, files, and bookmarks with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project.
Klaus Weidenbach
Ein Micro$oft-Fan
Werden jetzt schon Bürgermeister von Micro$oft gesponsort? o_O #Limux

"Microsoft-Fan": Münchens neuer OB Re... » Linux-Magazin

In einem Interview mit der in Münchener Behörden verteilten "Stadtbild" rückt Münchens neuer OB Dieter Reiter spürbar vom Limux-Projekt ab.
Klaus Weidenbach
Siegtal Pur

Siegtal Pur

Auf ungetrübten Fahrspaß dürfen sich unmotorisierte Verkehrsteilnehmer beim jährlich stattfindenden „Siegtal pur – Autofreies Siegtal“ freuen. Am ersten Sonntag im Juli wird das Siegtal auf rund 120 Kilometern für den gesamten Autoverkehr gesperrt. Dann ist zwischen 9.00 und 18.00 Uhr jede Menge Platz zum Radeln, Skaten und Wandern. Jahr...
Klaus Weidenbach
Internet machine

Internet machine

Internet machine is a multi-screen film about the invisible infrastructures of the internet. The film reveals the hidden materiality of our data by exploring some of the machines through which ‘the cloud’ is transmitted and transformed.
Klaus Weidenbach
I never tried bouldering, but the kids area looks really amazing!

Bildergalerie - Sportall GmbH

Klaus Weidenbach

BugJuggler: BugJuggler

BugJuggler is a 70ft tall robot that uses hydraulic cylinders to hurl cars into the sky and catch them in mid-air.
They should make it to pick tanks, not cars. That would be a statement.
Klaus Weidenbach
Interesting what data you can find at the CIA.

Cia: The World Factbook - Costa Rica

Military branches:
no regular military forces; Ministry of Public Security, Government, and Police (2011)

Manpower available for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,255,798
females age 16-49: 1,230,202 (2010 est.)

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,058,419
females age 16-49: 1,037,053 (2010 est.)

Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually:
male: 42,201
female: 40,444 (2010 est.)
Klaus Weidenbach
Now you can make business with grass?!? O_o

grassland real grass

For business premises, trade shows or private living space, grassland creates unique, customised letters, company logos, wall art, lampshades and other objects made of genuine grass....
Klaus Weidenbach
Opportunistic Security

Ietf: Opportunistic Security: some protection most of the time

This memo defines the term "opportunistic security". In contrast to the established approach of delivering strong protection some of the time, opportunistic security strives to deliver at least some protection most of the time. The primary goal is therefore broad interoperability, with security policy tailored to the capabilities of peer systems.
Klaus Weidenbach
fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/torpoject_visit')=http_host('www.torproject.org') and not(xff_cc('US' OR 'GB' OR 'CA' OR 'AU' OR 'NZ'));
I hope you don't click this link if you don't belong to one of the mentioned countries.
$TAILS_terms=word('tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System') and word('linux' or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');
Klaus Weidenbach

Festnahme: BND-Mitarbeiter soll NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss ausspioniert haben

Der Generalbundesanwalt hat einen BND-Mitarbeiter festgenommen, der den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss für einen ausländischen Nachrichtendienst ausspioniert haben soll. Der hat inzwischen gestanden, für die USA gearbeitet zu haben.
NEIN! Schockierend!

Seibert habe lediglich eingestanden, "der Fall ist ernsthaft, das ist doch klar".
Nanana, bitte!!! Jetzt stellt man sich mal vor er hätte nicht an die NSA die Daten verkauft sondern wäre ein Whistleblower und hätte diese Informationen der Öffentlichkeit bekannt gegeben. Man was wäre das für ein Aufschrei gewesen.
:headdesk :headdesk
Klaus Weidenbach
We did it again...
And a german weapon manufacturer did it again and is in the news. SIG SAUER is selling weapons to countries they are not allowed to do it. Just this time it looks like they tried to cheat the government and not included them. Hard to believe, most of the time the government was itself involved in such businesses. Heckler & Koch, FRITZ WERNER how can it be that their weapons are involved in all conflicts around the world when there are so strict regulations about their exports. The history of FRITZ WERNER is really interesting. It was even a 100% government owned company. Today they are not selling weapons anymore to shady states, but sells whole factories and licenses to produce weapons which is not controlled by export restrictions. :facepalm
Klaus Weidenbach
Schon aufgegeben? ;-)

Sicherheit am Digital Workplace: Kapitulation vor BYOD - CIO.de

BYOD-Risiken sind heute technisch nicht mehr in den Griff zu kriegen, sagt Gartner. Einzig mögliche Lösung sei, den Mitarbeitern mehr zu vertrauen.
Klaus Weidenbach

Pnas: Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks (Adam D. I. Kramer)

We show, via a massive (N = 689,003) experiment on Facebook, that emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness. We provide experimental evidence that emotional contagion occurs without direct interaction between people (exposure to a friend expressing an emotion is sufficient), and in the complete absence of nonverbal cues.
So facebook's pre-filtering - where you have no influence to or even can't see it - can have a massive influence on your emotional state. o_O

Let's say there is an election coming up and a government brings Facebook to manipulate the people to be in a good willing emotional state before the election. :dazed
Klaus Weidenbach
reddav vs. attach
Fixed some bugs with timestamps and timestamps for parent's folder on changes.

There was also a bug in SQL query of RedFile::put() that should have prevented this to work. Have there been problems on updating files? Could not validate it.

Bit confused about what's the difference between include/reddav.php and include/attach.php. What should be done in reddav and what in attach?
Klaus Weidenbach
Was verraten diese beiden Artikel über die deutsche Bundesregierung? :facepalm

NSA-Skandal: BND leitete Daten eines deutschen Internetknotens in die USA

Mehrere Medien berichten, dass der BND jahrelang Daten an die NSA weiterleitete, die von einem Datenknotenpunkt in Frankfurt stammen. Eingeleitet habe diese Kooperation die rot-grüne Bundesregierung. Am Ende wurde sie zu "heikel".

NSA-Skandal: Bundestag bezieht offenbar Internet über US-Provider Verizon

Bundestagsabgeordnete beziehen einem Medienbericht zufolge mindestens teilweise externe Internet-Adressen von Verizon. Damit wird mutmaßlich der NSA ein einfacher Blick auf den Traffic der Volksvertreter gegeben. Und das ist kein Einzelfall.
Klaus Weidenbach
Google minus plus gleich mal geteilt error
Es werden Wetten angenommen wann Google G+ dicht macht und wohin die wieder einmal weinen werdende Netzgemeinde weiter zieht. ;-)

Kommentar: Google minus plus

Android dominierte die I/O-Konferenz – sein soziales Netzwerk behandelt Google hingegen eher stiefmütterlich. Die zentrale Rolle im Google-Imperium hat Google+ wohl verloren, findet Herbert Braun.
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