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Post Update Version numbers do not match

Hello !Friendica Support,
few days ago I have started updating a quite ancient Friendica 3.5.2 and now I am just one more update away to the latest release 2023.04. As far as I can tell all version update steps looked successful to me, but now I got confused about a post update version mismatch.

After each updated version I checked these values and they always matched the expected values, but not after the last update from 2022.12 to 2023.12:

$ /usr/local/php82/bin/php bin/console.php config system build => 1542
$ /usr/local/php82/bin/php bin/console.php config system post_update_version
system.post_update_version => 1484

1484 is the old version, but when I look at the Information page I see the expected 1507 post update version:
This is Friendica, version 2023.12 that is running at the web location The database version is 1542/1542, the post update version is 1507/1507.

This is also new, since the last update: Running console dbstructure dryrun doesn't show anything, but in admin/dbsync I see failed updates all between 1139 and 1283 are mentioned, but in the database they are all marked as success:

$ /usr/local/php82/bin/php bin/console.php config database update_1139
database.update_1139 => success

$ /usr/local/php82/bin/php -d memory_limit=512M bin/console.php postupdate
Check for pending update actions.
Execute pending post updates.

All pending post updates are done.
$ /usr/local/php82/bin/php bin/console.php config system post_update_version
system.post_update_version => 1484

Something to worry about and better start over again, or can I proceed with the last update? 🤔

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in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

When updating from version to version, it is important, that the post update version on your system is equal to the post update version number from the system. This seems to be the case here, which is good.

Concerning the updates up to 1283: They are that old, that I can't even have a look at the code, since there the updates start with 1298. (Some years ago we removed fairly old update procedures)

When all your posts are there, all your contacts are there and you don't miss any photo, then I would assume, that everything is fine. Only thing that you should have a look at are your addons. Your system reports some addons that aren't even present anymore in the system. But this is nothing that justifies a reinstall. I guess we will find a way to remove them in a different way.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Great thanks!
About the post update version there seems to be an inconsistency between the `config` and the `key-value` tables or least it explains why I get two different results, when I tried to verify the version.

i will proceed with the last update and will then try to figure out what is still left unclear.

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in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

The reported issues seem to be only display issues, no issues about failed db or postupdate tasks as far as I can tell.

What exactly do you mean by:

Your system reports some addons that aren't even present anymore in the system.

I only use the addons from Some of them seem not to work any more, or the functionality seems to be a core feature now. Bit confusing still. So while looking at one remaining DB Error I disabled all addons, but that made no difference.

What are these two repeating DB Errors? I wasn't able to decrypt these messages yet and have no idea where to start.

2024-06-28T07:57:07Z app [ERROR]: DB Error  - {"file":"Database.php","line":679,"function":"p","request-id":"667e6cd366c38","stack":"Database::p (188), DBA::p (1055), Conversation::getEmojis (867), Conversation::addChildren (561), Conversation::render (1709), Contact::getThreadsFromId (42), update_contact_content (96), LegacyModule::runModuleFunction (73), LegacyModule::content (250), BaseModule::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"b76d60","process_id":21841}
2024-06-28T07:57:07Z app [ERROR]: DB Error  - {"file":"Database.php","line":679,"function":"p","request-id":"667e6cd366c38","stack":"Database::p (188), DBA::p (1104), Conversation::getQuoteShares (868), Conversation::addChildren (561), Conversation::render (1709), Contact::getThreadsFromId (42), update_contact_content (96), LegacyModule::runModuleFunction (73), LegacyModule::content (250), BaseModule::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"b76d60","process_id":21841}

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