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and here I get into a discussion about why we don't show off the "OpenSSF scorecard" in #curl

(tldr: it's wrong)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

And the whole thing is only for GitHub repos. Free alternatives such as Codeberg are not supported😭😨
in reply to Marek

@mark22k presumably it would just be to extend the script. But doing this with a script is severely limited to begin with so I'm not holding my breath for this to become a good system
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

But I think you should also bear in mind that Gitea and GitHub use different APIs - that would have to be quite a big extension.
in reply to Marek

@mark22k I don't know this but in the grand scheme of things, surely a few API differences is not a deal-breaker if someone *really* wanted to do this
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I'm not sure if people whose motivation is to collect rewards are hurting more than helping OSS
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

This is the same reason I don't show it for Flask. The general idea behind it, "be aware of these issues and processes", is good, but the execution of it is not.