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Items tagged with: curl

48 hours until #curl 8.10.1

At least another 19 bugfixes...


The top #curl sponsors September 2024:

Haxx, wolfSSL, Fastly, TeamViewer, GitHub, IBB, Kirei, elastic

Thank you!


The #curl 8.10.0 release presentation


Interesting episode of Focus On Linux on the #SovereignTechFund (@sovtechfund) with Daniel Stenberg (@bagder), who talks about how #Curl has been funded by the STF.

When will #curl integrate #AI to select the right command line parameters automatically?


#curl #AI

#curl provides this listing and collection of ALL past security vulnerabilities at

I claim that curl does this better than, yeah, just about all other projects. Because we put a lot of effort into it. Because we believe our users deserve it.


#curl 8.10.0 is here. A larger update than in a while.

At 08:00 UTC the curl release presentation is live-streamed here:


24 hours to the #curl release.

455 commits
245 bugfixes
57 contributors
42 days
27 authors
16 changes


The graph of number of graphs and plots on the #curl dashboard

(no it does not include itself because this graph is not present on the dashboard)


An unscientific search seems to indicate that more than 7% of the vulnerability reports we get in #curl concerns directory listings on the website.

That's about half the rate of the legitimate reports.


got another "security report" from someone who found a directory listing on the #curl site insisting it is an "information exposure" vulnerability

Even though the entire thing is also available in a public git repository.



The first ever #curl version was called 4.0 and we shipped it 9667 days ago.

Time flies.


mastering the #curl command line


I read the new #openssl advisory several times and I can't tell if #curl is affected.

This advisory was unusually vague and badly written.

We are now down to 4, I repeat FOUR, open issues for #curl.


@leeloo I’ll consider #curl as my primary browser, only if you promise not to include AI!


@leeloo they are indeed quite different beasts in the insides. #curl is not C++ spaghetti using a million threads for example. 😁

I promise, just because #curl and #Firefox often behave similarly, it is almost never because I once worked in the Firefox networking team. 🤠

On September 3 2013, "lib/http2.c" was created in the #curl repository and the first code was added into it.

Man did that break a lot of paradigms and caused challenges and problems for years to come!


Over time, how many lines have been added to the #curl product source code compared to how many lines are still present?

Turns out the factor is about 3. Over time, we have added 3 times the number of lines than currently present.

(a changed line is an added line and one removed)


We are nine days from the pending next #curl release.

What to look forward to:

One CVE, sixteen changes and over 200 bugfixes.


I made the #curl manpages on the website show the examples snippets using a grey background to "stand out" a little better:

It made me spot that they often get a leading blank line so now I have a pending PR to fix that as well...


In exactly one week, September 5, I will do a live-streamed #curl webinar titled "Mastering the curl command Line". Starting at 17:00 UTC. Stay tuned for detailed agenda.

Oh god I love #curl (especially libcurl)

Working on adding ICE cast metadata handling to #Wozamp, image handling took ~30 lines of code.

Guessing we have about 36m pulls a week for curl container (across quay and docker hub) ... surprising low amount of churn/issues for so much usage #curl

this month, August 2024, has the most number of git commits in #curl than any other month in curl history

I swear this was totally unintentional… #curl #rule

what does that mean? #curl developers are as good/bad as #kernel developers?