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The fifth QUIC backend being worked on for #curl could make the topology map look like this soon
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That seems kinda horrifying, honestly. Is there any legitimate hope that the number of QUIC back ends shrinks? (Not to 1, because that's probably too much to ask for)
in reply to Dan Sugalski

@wordshaper I kind of expect one or two of them to get dropped in the future, yes. Until then we let the market and users decide which way to go!
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Keen, I hope it sorts itself out soon. It's not quite like security and encryption stuff where more options means more vulnerabilities, but it is kinda worrying to see so many different versions of the same thing available (along with the corresponding "how vulnerable to compromise is it" for each one...)
Unknown parent

daniel:// stenberg://
@Man2Dev module does not imply that it is not upstreamed. But I have no idea how or if ever it will be adopted into kernel mainline.