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Look at that plot for monthly pull-requests in #curl taking off like its on steroids.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

How did you create it? Scraped GH and plotted it with matplot or something like that?
in reply to Kevin Wittek

@kiview yes: I pull down all PRs/issues daily using the API and the graph itself is made with gnuplot.

The full dashboard is here:

The scripts for everything are here:

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Wow thanks, that is extremely cool. Will consider to apply something similar for 😀
in reply to Peter Bhat Harkins

@pushcx no (and I honestly don't know how I can do that), this is mostly the result of a few people being much more active recently than before.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://


I sorta did this once.

Announce a hack weekend and be very responsive on GitHub, some chat (IRC, Matrix, Discord) or a live stream. Plan out some top "would be nice" issues and features that new people could do.

I did this for one of the somewhat less active projects I started maintaining and have gotten several regular contributors as a result.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I found the chosen colors hard to distinguish in the key section and map to the graphs.

#curl does actually get way more PRs than issues?!
