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It's about f'in time the big publications pressed Mr. Trump on his statements this past week that supporters just needed to vote for him one more time, and then "you don't have to vote again." Trump's response -- which is that if he's elected "the country will be fixed" and their votes won't be needed -- seems pretty unambiguous. It is absolutely unreal that this is the GOP candidate for president, and that this blatantly antidemocratic statement alone does not somehow disqualify him from running.

in reply to BrianKrebs

I remember when a scream was enough to tank a political career.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Meant to add that the story is now at the top of the NYT website, where it belongs for probably the next few months.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to BrianKrebs

Yeah, except it's "Democrats claim" like his statements aren't on the public record.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I realize this is probably me just absolutely having zero faith in them in general, but it feels like, to me, that they were hoping for a way to spin this to come out of the trump campaign, or something to couch it in.

They have run a number of articles about how Kamala is screwing up, or not working perfectly, or could lose all this momentum, or is destined to fail- since this happened. This barely got a mention.

I feel like they were just hoping, and ran out of time.

in reply to BrianKrebs

Well yeah, Trump is openly a fascist.

#Vote for #Harris to save our democracy!

in reply to BrianKrebs

Maya Angelou - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
in reply to BrianKrebs

Against my better judgment, I posted something similar on LinkedIn, and OMG the "stay in your lane" responses dominate. It's almost as if half the security professionals in this country see absolutely zero connection between national security and cybersecurity.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Your lane doesn't include "American citizen" now?
in reply to BrianKrebs

the 'infosec scene' has changed pretty dramatically in the last ~5 years. its absolutely a different animal now.
in reply to Viss

@Viss I’m worried about what you mean when you say that. Is the “infosec scene” going in for Trump, or???
in reply to Robert [KJ5ELX] :donor:

@0xF21D @Viss Trump is positioning himself as someone who will let the cryptocurrency industry largely alone and free from pesky regulations. It's important to understand that for better or worse a lot of people making key decisions in Silicon Valley are heavily invested in cryptocurrencies, so for many of them this is akin to a single-issue election.
in reply to BrianKrebs

and I can venture a guess where those same people want to hide their assets from the man.
in reply to BrianKrebs

you should’ve started your post with “here’s what asking politicians and the media to question a wannabe dictator taught me about b2b sales”
in reply to BrianKrebs

I will go over there and support you!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to BrianKrebs

I took an early retirement, and don't regret it one bit.
in reply to BrianKrebs

LinkedIn has become such a cesspool of techbro grifters. They're shouting you down because they assume putting TFG back in office would help them continue the grift.
in reply to BrianKrebs

considering how shittastic the “infosec community” has performed the past couple of years, what lane exactly are *they* in? The one with the 90-care pile-up we are all rubber necking?
in reply to BrianKrebs

I've listened to that controversial Trump speech and I am convinced that the Democrats are misunderstanding what he said and are quoting it out of context, probably on purpose.

That said, Trump is an idiot who can't express his thoughts coherently, so there's that too.

in reply to BrianKrebs

Lot of the tech executives are closeted forever Trump'ers, "stay in your lane" is basically their way of saying "don't knock my guy" without outing themselves.
in reply to BrianKrebs

Include cyber- as a prefix into anything and one looks foolish, to me. It's just security.
in reply to BrianKrebs

I followed on LinkedIn so I could offset by one. The ridiculous comments that supposedly professional people leave are astonishing.
in reply to BrianKrebs

You can use my lane if you want, I'm not doing anything noteworthy with it.
in reply to BrianKrebs

if your post taught me anything, it’s that the blocking experience on the LinkedIn iOS app is terrible.

After blocking someone, it takes you back to the home feed instead of staying in the comments where I can finish blocking those “CISSP | Thought leader” clowns.

in reply to xconde

@xconde I, too, used the block feature today for the first time on LI, and noticed the same. Hard to believe it took me this long.
in reply to BrianKrebs

#Cybersecurity is absolute #political now. And #Trump is a #Danger to many #Aspects of #Life in and out of #America. So the "#Lane" is: Being political AND a #CyberSecurity-#Expert. Trump invents every second #Day a new #ambigous #Slogan to make himself interesting to the #Tabloids and to #provoke. One should ignore this. All Eyes are on #Kamala at the #Moment and this makes him #furious, when he get's less #Attention.

#magaidiotcult #nomorerealdonald
#fcktrmp #fucktrump

in reply to BrianKrebs

"And everyone on LinkedIn And Brutus is an honourable man."
in reply to BrianKrebs

I agree, you should stay in your journalist lane and make sure to write stories about the facts your reporting uncovers. 😉
in reply to BrianKrebs

Putting the end of US democracy across from some warmed-over old Betteridge's Law article about decaf coffee is parodic.
in reply to BrianKrebs

A case of when someone tells you who they are, believe them.
in reply to BrianKrebs

It's utterly frustrating to watch this from across the border and not be able to get involved (foreign influence practices and all...).
May your country safely navigate the stormy waters of the next few months...
in reply to BrianKrebs

this is the same mainstream media that won't touch the firsthand accounts of what Trump has done to children with, and without, his friend Epstein.

His presidency doesn't diminish their bottom line, and it might raise their stock market shares. So what do they have to worry about, a little genocide?

in reply to BrianKrebs

Isn't this the same video where he also said "I'm not Christian.". I thought that short statement would have gotten more traction.

in reply to BrianKrebs

I don't know why anyone still leans to him. In the past, when a presidential candidate only had the slightest shadyness in his past (50 years ago in school he burnt a piece of paper that looked red-white-blue) he was out of the race. This guy .. even a convicted felon ... still in the race! I think that people nowadays see his behavior as the 'new normal', even expect it from him. But if anyone else does it he didn't bless ... Boom! Out! I just hope Harris stays strong.
in reply to BrianKrebs

"It is absolutely unreal...that this blatantly antidemocratic statement alone does not somehow disqualify him from running" it's the less outrageous thing about "el señor trumpo" of everything else that he's done
in reply to BrianKrebs

he also said he could shoot someone I'm broad daylight and we laughed, then he packed the supreme court and they made that law... so... he isn't a laughable loon, he is a deranged authoritarian leader
in reply to BrianKrebs

I'm still wondering, how does the US define an "enemy, foreign or domestic" that so many people in active service have taken an oath to defend their constitution against?

What would be the criteria to meet before being classified as a "domestic enemy" in this context?

in reply to BrianKrebs

I think Trump should be held to his "any where, any place" pledge and force him to a debate of their choosing. He would have no way out of it due to the pledge. He would have to answer all questions before him in any venue, same with Harris.
in reply to BrianKrebs

LOL. Today's "GOP" is as anti-real as its obsessively offending psychopathic candidate.

What the hell's the freakin use of major mainstream media even asking national security threat & enemy of the Rule of Law Donald J. Trump if it could be he was serious, when telling gullible donating voters, they'd be voting only once more for him (to keep him out of reach of criminal prosecution & indictment) & being obsolete after that?!

#RuleOfLaw #Fascism #Trump #HeritageFoundation #FederalistSociety #LeonardLeo #OpusDei #Overthrow #Subversion #Insurrection #Rebellion