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Items tagged with: CyberSecurity

The city of Columbus Ohio got hacked by a ransomware gang, they didn't pay the ransom so the gang released half of the stolen data which included secret police and prosecutor files. The leak exposed countless victims, witness and confidential informants personal info and communications with the city.

The city claimed NO info was leaked. A cyber security enthusiast went to the media and proved otherwise.

#cybersecurity #Columbus #Ohio #Darkweb


In June 2024 a new RaaS named Cicada3301 announced they were looking for affiliates. We have now encountered them "in the wild".

Truesec has spent some time analyzing this new Rust-based ransomware strain.

#ThreatIntel #CyberSecurity

Hear about 'The Future of #Cybersecurity: Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) & #OpenSearch' from Kevin Fallis at #OpenSearchCon NA 2024
📝 Register Now:

BIG: Russia caught reusing phone exploit strikingly similar to NSO Group's #Pegasus #spyware.

How did #APT29 get it after NSO used it?

Google isn't sure.

Ditto reuse of exploits from Intellexa.

But I warned Congress this would happen.

It says something about who NSO sourced it from, or that they can't control their code, or..

Whatever the case, the mercenary spyware industry is accelerating global cyber insecurity.

#infosec #cybersecurity

In der IT kann es schon mal stĂŒrmisch werden! đŸŒȘ Ihr wollt Cyberkriminelle von der Party ausschließen? Hier verraten wir euch, wie ihr eure digitalen Fenster und TĂŒren absichert: 👉

Ihr habt noch einen? Wir freuen uns eure liebsten IT-Flachwitze in den Kommentaren! 😜

#DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #IT #ITSicherheit #Sicherheit #CyberSecurity #ITSecurity #InfoSec #CyberCrime

Ihr habt den neusten Kinofilm kostenlos online gefunden und schaut gleich rein? Stopp! Mit illegalem #Streaming macht ihr euch strafbar! Im Video erfahrt ihr, von welchen Streaming-Angeboten ihr besser die Finger lasst.

#DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #TeamBSI #IT #ITSicherheit #CyberSecurity #ITSecurity #Stream

Important update from @briankrebs regarding the NPD breach:

I hope quality reporting like this will foster a healthy discussion about how and to whom we entrust PII, but I won't be holding my breath.

In the article, Krebs provides links to sites that check
if your PII was exposed in this breach.

#infosec #cybersecurity #breach #pii

Daten sichern, na klar, easy: DafĂŒr hab ich eine Gratis-Software, die synchronisiert das alle paar Wochen mit der Cloud. 😏

Ihr hört das „Halt, stopp!“ schon, oder? Genau. 😅
Wir erklĂ€ren einige der grĂ¶ĂŸten Fehler beim Sichern eurer wichtigsten Daten. 💡

#InformationSecurity #CyberSecurity

Beim SIM-Swapping ĂŒbernehmen Cyberkriminelle die Kontrolle ĂŒber eure Mobilnummer đŸ“±. Sie geben sich dafĂŒr bei eurem Provider als rechtmĂ€ĂŸiger Besitzer aus und bringen ihn dazu, ihnen eine neue SIM-Karte zu schicken. Mit der SIM-Karte können sie dann Zugriff auf eure Konten bekommen. 😰

#InformationSecurity #CyberSecurity

This attack is unbelievably powerful, easy, and preventable. It’s the criminal’s best kept secret. Much stealthier and more effective than dangling CNAMEs. We found many Russian-nexus actors, but we suspect there are more to be found. Please boost for awareness and hope we aren’t rediscovering this attack in another 6 years. Thanks to everyone contributed to our understanding of the attack and the actors using it 
 including Proofpoint, @rmceoin Dave Safely, Mandatory, and @briankrebs @dnsoarc #sittingducks #dns #domainhijacking #cybercrime #cybersecurity #infosec #threatintel #malware #phishing #tds #vextrio #404tds #threatintelligence #infoblox @knitcode

#Cybersecurity is absolute #political now. And #Trump is a #Danger to many #Aspects of #Life in and out of #America. So the "#Lane" is: Being political AND a #CyberSecurity-#Expert. Trump invents every second #Day a new #ambigous #Slogan to make himself interesting to the #Tabloids and to #provoke. One should ignore this. All Eyes are on #Kamala at the #Moment and this makes him #furious, when he get's less #Attention.

#magaidiotcult #nomorerealdonald
#fcktrmp #fucktrump

Did you know #Project2025 calls for “the entirety of the CISA #Cybersecurity Advisory Committee should be dismissed on Day One.” (page 155).

If you like being able to use computers (or do anything with organizations that use computers, including have your vote counted in elections) that’s a very bad idea.

#infosec #security #USpol #politics #political

Recent #cybersecurity incident around #CrowdStrike and #Windows #Azure shows the problem around monocultures and control over its one technology.

It is important for Europe to evaluate own dependencies and support administrations, business and citizens alike to run secure IT. For this #softwarefreedom plays an important role.

Threat actor #emo, who has the nerve to claim he answers to God while robbing people, said "unsecured API endpoint used to steal the data provided an easy way to verify each impacted user's email address, name, and phone number."

More than 400,000 #Life360 user phone numbers leaked via unsecured API @BleepingComputer @serghei #infosec #cybersecurity

Ob im Home-Office oder mit Freundinnen, Freunden und der Familie: #Videotelefonieren hat enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen. 👍📞
Weil wir dabei aber nicht nur allgemeine Dinge besprechen – sondern auch ĂŒber das ein oder andere Familiengeheimnis, solltet ihr vor eurem Anruf einige #Risiken im Blick behalten. 💡
Unsere Sicherheitstipps rund ums Videotelefonieren klÀren euch auf!

#CyberSecurity #CyberSicherheit #Sicherheit #ITSicherheit #Videocalls #Videotelefonie

CISA Red Team’s Operations Against a Federal Civilian Executive Branch Organization Highlights the Necessity of Defense-in-Depth

"...the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) conducted a SILENTSHIELD red team assessment against a Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) organization...."

includes red team TTPs, defense activity, and lessons learned.

#cybersecurity #infosec

Doxing kann euer Leben auf den Kopf stellen: Zum Beispiel, wenn plötzlich eure Adresse öffentlich einsehbar ist und ihr euch dadurch bedroht fĂŒhlt oder unerwĂŒnschte Post bekommt. Seid darum vorsichtig mit persönlichen Informationen online und haltet sensible Daten geheim. Wir zeigen heute, wie es geht! 🔒

#DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #IT #ITSicherheit #Sicherheit #CyberSecurity #ITSecurity #InfoSec #CyberCrime
