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Just once I'd like a project lead to not appear to have affinities for, adjacency with, or be a full blown right wing techbro. JFC. Pale Moon Browser seems to suffer that fate as most others. #rant #foss #firefox #PaleMoonBrowser
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

There are other projects that I never want to even touch remotely as well. There is for example "citadel", which is some kind of bulletin board system. Their "Code of conduct" starts with: "Got woke? Get lost." and contains sentences like: "If you care more about identity politics than about software, you're not welcome here."

And the link to their "code of conduct" is linked with the text "Best of all, the Citadel project pledges never to let entryists ruin its code of conduct. We know that social justice warriors destroy everything they touch."

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yeah, I had a look at their forum several months ago. This is a project that you can only dislike.