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New success upgrading

The journey continues... at 2022.03 now and I still see my posts. 😀 So I got already further than during my first try to upgrade.

Looks like I finally resolved the DB migration issues from 3.5.2 to 3.5.4. Also update to 2018.09 looks successful. Let's continue ... 😉

Update after quite some time... let's hope everything still works. 😉

Finally upgraded from The Git. The database upgrade did take less than 2 minutes.

Why no one told me that the cert for piwik was invalid and throwing error every time? o_O Should be fixed now.

Friendica updates installed

Nach zwei Wochen endlich noch mal ein Git update von ~friendica ~friendica gezogen. Schon beeindruckend wie schnell es sich weiter entwickelt.

Das Hochladen von Bildern sollte nun auch endlich funktionieren. 😁

My friendica server is finally up. 😀

I still have restricted the server bit too much and blocked some functions that seems to be needed, so not everything is working correctly yet. That will come in the next days. And then I can also finally start hacking some things for friendica.