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Items tagged with: ukraine

UFF! Das ist heftig. Das wünscht man niemandem.

Ausverkauf der Ukraine – was nach dem Krieg droht

Olaf Scholz hat überraschend im ZDF-Sommerinterview erklärt, dass man doch bereit sei, den Krieg in der Ukraine schneller zu beenden. Mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Selensky sei man sich einig, dass an der nächsten Friedenskonferenz auch Russland teilnehmen müsse. Möglicherweise kommt es mittelfristig zu einem Friedensvertrag, bei dem beide Seiten Kompromisse hinnehmen müssen.

Was aber ist in der Ukraine zu erwarten? Nun mehren sich die Stimmen, die davon ausgehen, dass es in dem vom Krieg arg gebeutelten Land zu einer Schocktherapie kommen könnte, die von der Regierung auf Geheiß ausländischer Investoren und des IWF durchgeführt wird. Das bedeutet: Austeritätspolitik, Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsmarktes, höhere Konsumsteuern, Inflation und eine weitere große Privatisierungswelle. Die Ukrainer könnten somit vom Regen in die Traufe geraten.

Mehr dazu von Ole Nymoen und Wolfgang M. Schmitt in der neuen Folge von „Wohlstand für Alle“!
#Podcast #Ukraine #Gesellschaft #Finanzen

China KorrespondentInnen sagen fast alle

> China ist kein Verhandlungspartner im Ukraine Krieg !

China hat rein wirtschaftliche Interessen. Die von Russland forcierte Destabilisierung des Westens in allen Bereichen, ist extrem vorteilhaft für die chinesische Wirtschaft. Daher hat China kein Interesse an der Beendigung des Krieges und auch kein Interesse an der Absetzung Putins.

China profitiert mehr an der Fortführung des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine und dem Machterhalt Putins, als der Wiederherstellung des Weltfriedens.

#China #Ukraine #Russland

#Telegram CEO Pavel #Durov visited #Russia over 60 times since leaving the country in 2014, #Kremlingram, a Ukrainian group that campaigns against the use of Telegram in #Ukraine, reported.

The information contradicts Durov's claims of being a pariah and being effectively exiled from Russia, Kremlingram said.

#Telegram is a tricky ecosystem from security perspective, because it’s quite diverse and complex:

  1. Public groups and chats are widely used by both #Russia and #Ukraine. These include both publicly available and “private” (invite-only) chats neither can be really considered secret because…
  2. …group chats can’t be end-to-end encrypted (E2EE), so their contents are readable to at least Telegram operators, probably as easily as running a single SQL query.
  3. Telegram bots don’t support E2EE either.

So here’s an important distinction: while Telegram is great and highly usable for disseminating public or semi-public information (unencrypted public or invite-only groups), it’s quite poor for highly confidential communications. Yet, especially the Russian side uses it a lot for just that - there are reports of “secret groups” used for front-line command or control, correction of fire or as a channel for communication with spies and collaborators in Ukraine. Except these “secret groups” really aren’t, at least not in OPSEC and cryptographic sense (groups can’t use E2EE in Telegram).

This is one purely marketing win for Telegram, because even mainstream journalists notoriously confuse these concepts.

Yes, it is technically possible that a Russian operator opens an actual “secret chat” with each of his collaborator, but it’s highly impractical and I doubt majority of them do it.

Which is further confirmed by the panic caused by detention of Durov in Russian military channels 🤷

In any case, France taking over Telegram infrastructure is still highly speculative - the main point of the arrest is almost complete lack of moderation in Telegram, even for the most severe CSAM (child abuse) content.

While in Russia arrest of Durov would likely lead to his genitals being connected to a field telephone in order to convince him to hand over the infrastructure (that’s why he ran away from Russia in the first place), in #France he will be likely just subject to a regular, boring law enforcement process that ends with a trial and suspended sentence, at best, if he agrees to improve content moderation. Part of the panic in Russia is that Russian routinely project the practices of their own law enforcement onto everyone else.

US-Bürgerin zu zwölf Jahren Haft in Russland verurteilt

Eine US-Bürgerin russischer Herkunft muss in Russland eine Haftstrafe von zwölf Jahren antreten. Die 32-Jährige soll Geld für eine ukrainische Organisation gespendet haben. Ihrem Anwalt zufolge hofft die Frau auf einen Austausch.


#Russland #Gerichtsurteil #Ukraine #USA

The anxiety of Putin is justified. As I explained in the past I am working in the oil industry for over two decades and I also worked in Russia, in this precise area as well. In this area is a very big fuel distribution centre. When I was there they told me it's the biggest in Europe, but I don't really know if it is. It's huge, anyway.
More important, an important gas pipeline junction is there. Some 40-50% of all former western gas was going thru this and Hungary and partly Slovakia are getting it's gas this way, still. To make it even more entertaining, as far as I remember there is also a pipeline going south from there, connecting Turkiye and some other countries in the south of Russia.

There is a general rule in war. Don't cause the enemy problems, create dilemmas instead. For problems there is a solution, dilemmas only have a choice between multiple bad outcomes. I will come back to this later.

Ukraine could already cut the transport of Russian gas via it's pipelines to Hungary, but didn't do not to anger the Western partners.

It must be painful for Ukraine to let this gas thru knowing the money Russia makes with it is used to pay for the war against them self. Ukraine had a dilemma here, but now they solved it. Let me explain.

Russia's dilemma now is hard, very hard. The way the Russian army fight is simple: Destroy everything in front with artillery and bombs, then send in infantry and tanks to handle the remaining resistance. Russia doesn't care much about people, no matter their own or others, but they care about their oil and gas. To start a counter attack means this will be destroyed and Russia doesn't has enough trained soldiers and other means anymore to handle the situation different.
The dilemma is choose between two similar bad options. Fight Ukraine and risk the destruction of this vital facilities Russia cannot replace or even fix due to sanctions. It would also cut off it's only remaining allies in the west (Hungary, Slovakia) three months before winter and lose the income, too. I am not sure if the south of Russia, Turkiye and Georgia would also be cut off completely or if there are alternative routes or options like the use of tankers. It would be difficult and expensive, anyway.

The other choice Russia has is to accept the presence of the Ukrainian Army in this area and risk further expansion of the occupied areas. This is hard to accept for Russian people who still believe the Russian army is strong. They know if peace talks start this will be a strong talking point for Ukraine and Russia will have to make a lot of concessions to get back control.

#ukraine #putin #russia #nafo

Die #Ukraine kappt dem Fossil #Orban die russische Ölzufuhr
und zeigt damit der #eu, wie Sanktionen gegen #Russland wirklich gehen!



Not only will T**** abandon #Ukraine and throw it to the wolves (#Putin), but he plans to do the same with #Taiwan, telling Bloomberg that he thinks:

"Taiwan needs to pay for their own defense."

Just imagine the consequences of #China taking over Taiwan to the tech industry.

Mehr #Waffen in die #Ukraine oder wir können das Land abschreiben. Mehr von allem was die Armee und die Soldaten dort brauchen.

Schickt mehr #Waffen in die #Ukraine und gebt die Waffen frei für Ziele in #Russland.

Ukraine Inter TV set on fire in Kyiv

Meanwhile, how freedom of the press is celebrated in #Ukraine.

Ukrainian television station Inter has been forced to make an outside broadcast after its studios caught fire amid a protest in Kyiv.