
Items tagged with: containers

Carol Chen
7 years ago
Free e-book in PDF format, "Container storage for dummies"

#container #containers #storage #ebook

Container storage for dummies

This e-book explains container‐native storage, a type of storage deployed inside containers alongside applications, and why DevOps teams should care.
Carol Chen
8 years ago
#ManageIQ has released Euwe for GA! Lots of improvements for #Containers Management, Public #Cloud Providers, #OpenStack, Service UI, and much more.

We also have a very interesting edition of "Last Week in ManageIQ" journeying through #middleearth
In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie. One blog post to rule them all, One blog post to find them, One blog post to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie

Next year there'll be a Fine release, I'm sure ;)

#opensource #community #redhat #euwe
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