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Items tagged with: gaza

According to Bloomberg, the bankruptcy of Israel's Eilat port is attributed to the Yemeni resistance's blockade of ships attempting to aid Israel amid its ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Despite efforts by the U.S.-UK coalition to counter Yemen's blockade in the Red Sea, Eilat port remains largely out of service to this day.

#Gaza #WarCrimes #FreePalestine #IsraelApartheid #StopGenocideNow #CeaseFireNow #CeaseFireNowPermanently

Those who still support Israel: Be proud, this is the society you are blindly supporting.

Last year, Knessst passed a law making it easier for judges to punish (Israeli) criminals using rape as a way of "punishment" of Palestinians in occupied territories.

The law, and discussion about the necessity of it didn't receive much attention, neither did the 100s abd 1000s of cases that led to creation of that law.

Ever since October 7, after massive propaganda by Netanyahu, AIPAC and other pro Israeli groups, the vast majority of people in the west associate rape with Hamas and October 7 despite the lack of any witnesses or proof that such accusations were true. But in the mean time, many of Palestinians kidnapped by IDF from Gaza abd Occupied territories in West Bank, have been subjected to repeated sadistic rape soldiers using various object including glowing hot metal rods pushed into the rectum of the victims and then letting them die of internal bleeding and pain while other kidnapped Palestinians were forced to watch.

These are not fake stories made by one single person, it has been verified and documented by both international and Israeli police and military.

But still, most of the disgusting people in the west who still support this rogue nation unconditionally, will either ignoreeall those evidences or calling them for lies and move on with their blind support of "the only democracy in middle east".

#Torture #Israel #Occupation #Inhumanity #Politics #RapeIsNotSelfDefense #RapeAsWeapon #Inhumamity #Fascism #Palestine #Gaza #Hostages

@evan I know exactly what happened in 72. I own a pair of 72. It was also 52 years ago and forgive me if have little or no sympathy for the military regime in Tel Avi, especially considering the fact that 40,000 men, women and children are dead. They should never be allowed in any competitive sports. They have their neck around Germany and it's happy to let them grip it tighter.
#Palestine #Gaza #IsraeliGenocide #Gaza_Genocide