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Items tagged with: k3b

3 candidates: K3B, Abiword and Claws
For a long time, #K3B was THE tool for anything along the lines of creating optical media. I was running Gnome 2 and still pulled in half a KDE just to have K3B.
#Abiword. I never understood why Abiword didn't win any and every regular user. I have landed jobs and written BA paper in Abiword, and I missed zero features.
I never saw #Claws Mail as pretty or with good default settings. But when I would install it, put in Elementary icons and adjust the columns, it would be a great mail client for a fairly large mailbox run from a fairly weak PC - at a time then Thunderbird would be running in circles for hours searching for an email and have a design useless for 1024x768.