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Items tagged with: kanban

Wir arbeiten nach der Wasserfall-Methode.
D.h. alles geht rauschend den Bach runter.

#agile #scrum #kanban #wasserfall #projektmanagement


Still searching some #Kanban tools. Interesting concept of combining digital and analog kanban boards. But I think not so practicable for me at the moment.

JimFlow - Digitize Your Kanban Boards - JimFlow - Digitize Your Kanban Boards

Should we use a physical board or an electronic tool? In the agile world, this question is the center of many heated debates. Both solutions have their advantages and both have their flaws. Physical Kanban boards have visibility and presence. They encourage face-to-face communication, enhance stand-up experiences and serve as a constant reminder ...

But this leads directly to the next question. Which issue tracker to use. JimFlow supports #Trac and #Jira so far. At the moment I tend more to #Redmine or #Bloodhound.


Die Features hören sich ganz nett an. Meine Liste an #Kanban Tools die ich ausprobieren wollte wird immer länger.

Betrachtet man (Software/-) Produktentwicklung heutzutage, so kann man zu dem Schluss gelangen, dass man sich in einem Autorennen befindet. Der Bessere/ Schnellere/ Billigere/ Qualitativere gewinnt. Doch wie dreht man an diesen Rädchen, um schneller, billiger oder ähnliches zu sein? Vielmehr, wie identifiziert man diese Rädchen überhaupt, damit...

Book about Kanban and Scrum

Very interesting book about #Kanban and #Scrum. Also as a free PDF download and several translations are available.

Scrum and Kanban are two flavours of Agile software development. So how do they relate to each other? Part I illustrates the similarities and differences between Kanban and Scrum, comparing for understanding, not for judgement.Part II is a case study illustrating how a Scrum-based development organization implemented Kanban in their operations and support teams.

Was a bit wondering and shocked today that nearly all commercials I saw this afternoon when looking for an indonesian restaurant in Cologne were about scrum master trainings around here or some online tools that I saw yesterday. First I thought it was just a coincidence, but just realized now that I was logged in with my google account on the tablet. Quite scary somehow and glad that on the desktop I have enough plugins that prevent all these trackings and commercials.

Does someone know about some useable #kanban or #scrum board FLOSS tools? Yesterday I found a lot of "free" SaaS tools, but hardly any FLOSS or at least tools I can run on premise.