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Items tagged with: musk

"Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars"

It's great to see someone FINALLY mention the magnetosphere issue, in the very first sentence no less, but this article rips into the idea so much more thoroughly than that, and with admirable gusto.

#skeptic #musk #mars


“A Brazilian Supreme Court panel has upheld the decision of one of its justices to block billionaire Elon #Musk’s social media platform #X nationwide, according to the court’s website.

The broader support among justices deals a blow to Musk and his supporters…” #Brazil


“World Bank has ceased all paid advertising on #Musk's X, formerly #Twitter, after CBS News investigation found promoted ads from the org showing up under a racist post from an account that prolifically posts pro-Nazi & white nationalist content.

..a verified account w 115,000+ followers that had posted a racist image alongside a post praising Europe's colonization of Africa. CBS News is not publicly identifying the accounts spreading racist content on X”

Elon Musk called Trent Reznor a "crybaby" for deleting his Twitter account. Wil Wheaton then wrote this incisive summary of the man-child that is Elon Musk.
#musc #elon #billionaires #musk

#Trump und #Musk sind gefährlich naiv:

Musk: „Hiroshima und Nagasaki wurden bombardiert, aber jetzt sind sie wieder lebendige Städte.“
Trump: „ Das ist toll.“
Musk: „Ja, es ist also nicht so beängstigend, wie die Leute denken.“

Via Emptywheel:

I guess it's not surprising that Artificial "Intelligence" sold by the guy whose autopilot keeps crashing offers up far right disinformation rather than facts.

Jenna Johnson:

Top election officials are urging Elon #Musk to fix the AI chatbot on X that spread false election information, suggesting Kamala #Harris missed the ballot the deadline in nine states. (She hasn't.)

#Blockempfehlung Die #Selbsternannte "Kommentatorin Deutscher Politik" #Trump & #Musk #Fan- Girl verbreitet nur absoluten #Bullshit ❗️🧠💩
Menschen mit #Hirn Wissen das❗️