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Items tagged with: piwik

Piwik Plugin Marketplace

Nice to find #Piwik Plugins at one place, but all I was interested in seem not to work with current 1.12 beta.

Plugin Marketplace

Download, install and update Piwik plugins from the Plugin Marketplace

eMail reports are still quite broken in #Piwik 1.12-b13, but the average generation time statistics are impressive.

Avg. generation time in Piwik

The new average generation time stats in the upcoming #Piwik 1.12 are really nice!

#Piwik started migrating from Smarty2 to the Twig template engine for their Piwik 2.0 release. This should make it possible to create custom themes for Piwik.

Homepage - Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine

Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP

Source (de):

Am 1. April (kein Scherz!) haben wir begonnen, die aktuell genutzte Template-Engine Smarty2 durch das flexiblere Twig zu ersetzen. Twig wird von Fabien Potencier, dem Entwickler des Symfony Frameworks, entwickelt. Dieser Schritt ist der erste auf dem Weg zu Piwik 2.0, welches im vierten Quartal diesen Jahres erscheinen wird. Mit der Umstellung auf ...

IPv6 reach tracking with Piwik

Nice #Piwik plugin with statistics about #IPv6 reach on your site.

Tracking the IPv6 reach of your Website with Piwik - GeekMonkey

IPv6 is slowly adapted by ISPs around the globe. If your website is accessible with both IPv4 and IPv6 it might be interesting to see how users are accessing your website and how it changes overs time. The IPv6Usage plugin for Piwik allows you to track how many of your users are using IPv6. To do that it adds a single column to the log_visits table...

Piwik Page Speed Reports

Ich glaub ich muss gleich mal die #Piwik 1.12 beta installieren!

In der kommenden Version von Piwik wird es Page Speed Reports geben. Dazu nutzt Piwik das Web Performance API. Das API ist in nur neueren Browsern verfügbar und wird daher bei älteren Browsern einfach ignoriert. In der Oberläche ist mit “Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit†damit eine neue Metrik verfügbar. Diese wird unter Aktionen > Seiten und ...

Piwik 1.9.1

Installed #piwik 1.9.1 this evening. Seems as if the insight plugin already slipped in, even if it is not really usable yet. But it looks really promising when working.
#Piwik release (x)

Life is too short to not release on a friday night!

When I have read this Change message for #Piwik 1.8 last Friday I already thought that this is an invitation for problems. So during the weekend there was the first bugfix release. Installed it this morning and was bit surprised to read in the release notes that they expected the admin LOCK privileges now. Otherwise upgrade was working without problems again. 

Version 1.8.1 looks really nice and I like to create several dashboards and the Row Evolution is really handy. And Finally #DoNotTrack is included.

Installed #Piwik this evening and did several updates on PHP and MySQL configuration. I really need to installed a mailserver soon, otherwise I will get no SSL certificates. Also #IPv6 still on my wish list. 😀