
Items tagged with: senyadiasporaaccountmigration

Guido Arnold
7 years ago

Mentions in comments has been merged!

Some good news for you finally, fellas! Yesterday the last pull request for mentions in comments feature has been merged. So it is already available at some pods that are using the development branch of diaspora source code, like For everybode else it will be available with the update of diaspora.

That's actually the first finished feature among the promised by my campaign. Account migration is in progress, things are moving, and hopefully I'll report some good news to you after a while. Thank you and have a great weekend 🎉!




diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control.
7 years ago

Mentions in comments has been merged!

Some good news for you finally, fellas! Yesterday the last pull request for mentions in comments feature has been merged. So it is already available at some pods that are using the development branch of diaspora source code, like For everybode else it will be available with the update of diaspora.

That's actually the first finished feature among the promised by my campaign. Account migration is in progress, things are moving, and hopefully I'll report some good news to you after a while. Thank you and have a great weekend 🎉!




diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control.
8 years ago

A call for contributors

Hello, folks!

Sorry for not making updates for long now. I’ll make a big update post after a while with all the news.

Recently we discussed the limited resources of the core team. It is possible to reduce load on the core team by taking some jobs. If there are someone who is ready to do continuous volunteer participation, you may help! Just to begin with something, I want to ask if there is someone who wants to test “Mentions in comments backend changes” PR6818. This is not a simple task. In order to do that you have to bring up diaspora* development environment and try to find bugs, try to find edge cases, try to break it. Then you provide a feedback. If you do this well, then the core team can dedicate less resources into that themselves and thus it’ll speed up diaspora* development speed.

I think that it makes sense to start if you’re ready to participate around 10 hours per week to this. But if you do, you may be quite useful for diaspora project in future. If anyone is intersted, send me a note!

#senyadiasporaaccountmigration #diaspora
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