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Items tagged with: synthesizer

Wonderful walk around with Herr Schneider through Schneiders Laden in Neukölln in the historic Musik Balding Shop - all on Sonic States YT Channel.

Schneiders Laden Legendary Synth Store in Berlin - Tour and Interview


Schneiders Laden is probably one of the most famous synth shops in the world - founded by the energetic Andreas Schneider - who also is the guy behind the team behind Superbooth.

Big plans for sales, concerts, workshops and media production are underway, the store has a launch event tomorrow night (works completed by mid January 2025) and adding to that, there's a London store called Schneiders Keller opening in Denmark St in the basement of Rough Trade, that will also be running a preview event from 12th Dec-15th between 1pm and 7pm where you can drop in and visit and patch.

Schneiders Laden: (Berlin)
#Berlin #London #synthesizer #Music #Instrument

uHe – Free Hive 2.1 Workshop - English / German

Der Software Synthesizer Hive 2.1 von uHe ist schon eine Weile auf dem Markt und längst nicht so bekannt wie Serum von Xfer oder Vital von Tydell, aber er ist dennoch ein unglaublich stark klingender und dazu erstaunlich CPU schonender Synthesizer, den es sich in Erwägung zu ziehen lohnt.

Dazu kommt noch die absolut hervorragende laufende Produktpflege von uHe, die
The Hive 2.1 software synthesizer from uHe has been on the market for a while and is nowhere near as well-known as Serum from Xfer or Vital from Tydell, but it is still an incredibly powerful-sounding and amazingly CPU-friendly synthesizer that is well worth considering.

In addition, there is the absolutely outstanding ongoing product care from uHe, which

#musicproduction #uhe #workshop #masterclass #synthesizer