Klaus Weidenbach
If lights go off ...
If lights go off in Germany it might be correlated with this #cyberwar crime against the USA. Matthias Ungethüm is a professional pen tester from Germany who has defaced the #NSA website. He replaced "Codebreakers and Codemakers" with the German phrase "Durchleuchten Sie Ihre Homepage" – "Examine your homepage". Or was it Angela Merkel during her visit at the president? :-O

NSA beseitigt Sicherheitsleck | MDR.DE

Ein Hacker aus Sachsen offenbarte eine Sicherheitslücke auf der Homepage des US-Geheimdienstes NSA. MDR INFO berichtete darüber. Nun hat die NSA reagiert.
Are these thunders and noise from the firework tonight or is it already a response? o_O