
Items tagged with: CryptoAngel

Slow Tech Berlin
9 years ago from Diaspora
CryptoParty Berlin is looking for people to help in outreach with non-German/English speaking communities, including refugees and immigrants. If you are bi-/multi-lingual (Arabic, Farsi, Bachtu, Kurdish, Turkish, among many others) and would like to help out, please be in touch with thf-crypto [AT]

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Cryptoparties at c-base in 2016 start next Friday 15th January (doors open at 20:00 with short introduction at 21:00).

For the location and further details of Cryptoparties, see

This year we also wish some of the monthly events to be more accessible to non Deutsch/English native speaking communities, especially recent refugee/migrant arrivals.

As well as the regular Cryptoparties at c-base, some additional events at Tempelhof ex-Airport are in planning for the local community and recent migrants and refugees in temporary accommodation in the hangers of the ex-airport.

We are calling for interested people, particularly with Arabic and Farsi language and cultural skills, to assist in planning for these events though outreach, interpretation and even becoming a CryptoAngel (someone who offers help explaining how to communicate on-line with less risk). If you don't currently have much knowledge in this area, don't worry, it's easier than it sounds.

If you would like to get involved, please subscribe to the list thf-crypto [AT] ( and attend the next few monthly c-base Cryptoparties with the opportunity to meet others like you.

Any questions, please email thf-crypto [AT]

Please forward this email on to appropriate people interested in getting involved, particularly with Arabic and Farsi (or Bachtu, Kurdish, Turkish) language and cultural skills.

Thanks & Shine

#CryptoParty #CryptoAngel #Berlin #Refugees #Arabic #Farsi #Bachtu #Kurdish #Turkish

berlin:c-base [CryptoParty.]

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