
Items tagged with: terror

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

NSU-Mord im Café: Log der Verfassungsschützer? -

Über Wochen hatten Wissenschaftler den Mord an Halit Yozgat neu untersucht: das Team von „Forensic Architecture“ der Londoner Goldsmith University. Die Experten arbeiten sonst unter anderem mit Amnesty International zusammen und untersuchten etwa Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien.

Zustände in Schland…

#nsu #deutschland #terror

NSU-Mord im Café: Log der Verfassungsschützer?

Beim NSU-Mord in Kassel war ein Verfassungsschützer vor Ort. Wissenschaftler stellten nun fest: Er muss die Tat mitbekommen haben.
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
(((schwarzekappe))) wrote the following post:
Well my dear friends, nothing against solidarity with victims due to (presumably) terror attacks in Berlin yesterday, but i am wondering why it is (again) that only the European victims of terror are worth showing one's solidarity with. Berlin wasn't the only place where an attack happened... there were also attacks in the Dera Bugti District, Pakistan (Car Bombing, 2 dead), Kunduz, Afghanistan (Bombing, 1 dead, 22 injured), Ankara, Turkey (Assassination, 2 dead, 3 injured), Baghdad, Iraq (Bombing, 1 dead, 8 injured) and Ofarim, West Bank (Shooting, 1 injured) at the very same day, not to speak about warfare all over the world and the attacks days before the incident in Berlin. I am from Berlin, born, raised and still living. So i guess it is my part to say this: Don't forget the rest of the world, they are all humans whom all suffered from an act of terror. Europe is not the place on earth where shit happens, on the contrary, we have a relatively peaceful life here. It is the rest of the world which needs our solidarity much more than we in Berlin do. For instance: be respectful to and welcome people who had to flee from war and poverty, in part because European capitalism gives a shit about living conditions in the rest of the world. Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here. And fuck those who try to take advantage of the attacks in Berlin to spread hatred against others.

#solidarity #berlin #eurocentrism #terror #terrorattacks #refugeeswelcome
8 years ago
Well my dear friends, nothing against solidarity with victims due to (presumably) terror attacks in Berlin yesterday, but i am wondering why it is (again) that only the European victims of terror are worth showing one's solidarity with. Berlin wasn't the only place where an attack happened... there were also attacks in the Dera Bugti District, Pakistan (Car Bombing, 2 dead), Kunduz, Afghanistan (Bombing, 1 dead, 22 injured), Ankara, Turkey (Assassination, 2 dead, 3 injured), Baghdad, Iraq (Bombing, 1 dead, 8 injured) and Ofarim, West Bank (Shooting, 1 injured) at the very same day, not to speak about warfare all over the world and the attacks days before the incident in Berlin. I am from Berlin, born, raised and still living. So i guess it is my part to say this: Don't forget the rest of the world, they are all humans whom all suffered from an act of terror. Europe is not the place on earth where shit happens, on the contrary, we have a relatively peaceful life here. It is the rest of the world which needs our solidarity much more than we in Berlin do. For instance: be respectful to and welcome people who had to flee from war and poverty, in part because European capitalism gives a shit about living conditions in the rest of the world. Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here. And fuck those who try to take advantage of the attacks in Berlin to spread hatred against others.

#solidarity #berlin #eurocentrism #terror #terrorattacks #refugeeswelcome
8 years ago from Diaspora

Poles held over Sweden asylum centre attack plot

#bbc #sweden #refugees #asylum #migration #poland #far-right #racism #terror #right-wing #europe

Poles held over Sweden asylum centre attack plot - BBC News

Fourteen Polish far-right activists are arrested in Sweden accused of planning to attack asylum seekers with axes and knives, police say.
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