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Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0 released | Arthur acquaints

I am happy to announce the availability of Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0! Bookmarks is a simple way to manage the remarkable websites and pages you come across on the Internet. Bookmarks 0.10.0 provides API methods to create, read, update and delete your bookmarks as well as compatibility with upcoming Nextcloud 12, next to smaller improvements and fixes.

#nextcloud #bookmarks

in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

no (as far as i know), but you can acces to all your bookmarks from any machine with a navigator.
in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

Call me wrong, but this doesn't work out of the box to sync bookmarks with firefox(es)? 😀
in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

At first i was looking for an addon too, till i noticed how functional is the nextcloud bookmarks feature. For example; you can organize (filter) them by tags, so you can find any url very fast, just push the buttons of the tags you are looking for, it's amazing! Try it, you don't need the addon, trust me, it's a great feature.
in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

I hope they add something similar for the music player addon, like filters or intelligent playlist.
in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

@Ikaro MarÅanto how would a filter or intelligent playlist look like in and for Bookmarks? Do you have ideas in that regard?
in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

Actually my music collection is outside nextcloud becouse nc does not provide a proper tool to organize it. I use Rhythmbox to manage my audio files, when i was talking about intelligent playlist, this is what i meant:

Nowadays audio files come with extra information, not only "the sound"


Rhythmbox allows you to create filters based on that information, so if you add a new file to your collection, the file is analized and if the information contained matches the criteria you set in your filter, the audio will be automatically shown in that list/filter

For example, automatic filter based on the year (1996):


Automatic filter based on Genre


Automatic filter based on a "keyword" in the comments field


Do you get the idea?

It would be nice to organize my music collection inside nextcloud, to play and manage it from any computer, share it, etc...

in reply to (((Arthur Schiwon)))

Ah, alright, my bad. I misunderstood and thought you wanted something similar for Bookmarks.

I agree, this would be a useful addition for a music app.