
Items tagged with: bookmarks

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0 released | Arthur acquaints

I am happy to announce the availability of Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0! Bookmarks is a simple way to manage the remarkable websites and pages you come across on the Internet. Bookmarks 0.10.0 provides API methods to create, read, update and delete your bookmarks as well as compatibility with upcoming Nextcloud 12, next to smaller improvements and fixes.

#nextcloud #bookmarks

Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0 released | Arthur acquaints

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
I published v0.9.1 of the #bookmarks app for #Nextcloud, so it won't be missing when you are testing Nextcloud 11 RC :)



bookmarks - :bookmark: Bookmark app for Nextcloud & ownCloud
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