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Items tagged with: OPENSOURCE

I'm using #Nextcloud thanks to #JollaIt community. How about you?

"Introducing #Jolla Community Cloud"

#SailfishOS #opensource #securedata

Why #RedHat calls #India a ‘bright spot’ in #Opensource

"Company is putting lot of efforts and resources to engage with open source #developer #community in India."

(gotta get in on the action and hopefully get to visit India!)

Red Hat sees these large scale projects and initiatives as a big opportunity to provide its open source technology products and solutions.

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Register now, and join us on October 4 at #RedHatForum #Finland in #Helsinki! This free event is a superb opportunity to meet Red Hatters and hear the latest news in #HybridClouds, #DevOps solutions & more. Come experience open innovation and the power of participation. Tervetuloa!

Many more locations/dates (Sept - Nov) in EMEA: #Stockholm #London #Copenhagen #Paris #Warsaw etc.

#redhat #opensource

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#SanFrancisco: from #RedHat Summit to catching up with old friends, #ManageIQ booth to #opensource wedding, visiting #Googleplex and upgraded flights, plus lots of yummy Asian food = ❤

#Teamwork photo #mosaic composed of pics uploaded to twitter/instagram during the summit with hashtag #RHSummit

More photos:

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ManageIQ is the #opensource project I'm involved in at #RedHat. If you're wondering what it's all about, here's an excellent LWN article on it. There's a mix of clouds, some smart management, plenty of intelligence, and an open #community. Have a read!

#manageiq #cloudmanagement #hybridclouds