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Items tagged with: cURL

#curl 8.9.0 is out:

2 CVEs fixed
11 changes
260 bugfixes

by 80 contributors, out of which 47 authored commits

in 63 days since the previous release


T minus 33 hours or so until #curl 8.9.0 ships.

A short story of a question turned into a new pending #curl feature:


On this day twenty-six years ago I released #curl 4.7

It does not make be feel old at all. 😁


Starting now: on the #curl changelog page where it lists all changes ever done to all #curl releases ever done, it now also conveniently links to the "known vulnerabilities" for each released version.


Mr @icing is now ranked as committer number ten counted by the number of authored commits merged in the #curl project. Number four by the number of added lines.

In less than three years since his first commit.

“You know what we call that, @bagder? Total World Domination.” – @jerod

Where ISN’T #curl?! 🎥

When in doubt, reach for #curl to check what’s actually happening.

I forgot this maxim and wasted an hour through misunderstanding what was going on.
