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Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

Happy 20th Birthday, KDE!

Dear #KDE Community, I got stuck to your software back in 2006, I believe, when a #Kubuntu installation enriched my first laptop. Since then I got myself part of the wider community, met awesome people like Frank Karlitschek and Jos Poortvliet amongst others at several conferences, and ten years later I am doing free software with those, and on my favorite #Linux desktop, KDE Plasma (although now on #Antergos). Thanks for the awesome software over decades! Cheers to you!
Can you believe it's been 20 years since the KDE (Kool Desktop Environment) was announced on the 14th of October, 1996, by project founder Matthias Ettrich? Well, it has, and today we'd like to say a happy 20th birthday to KDE!


Happy 20th Birthday, KDE!

KDE desktop was first announced on October 14, 1996
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