
Items tagged with: FLOW3

Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Even more new branding and names
Changing names again in the TYPO3 community:
#FLOW3 => TYPO3 Flow 
#Fluid => TYPO3 Fluid

Let's see if they will reveal the final name for Phoenix at T3CON12DE this week.

Now it is only missing to brand TYPO3 as the community as #KDE did it some time back. ;-) 

A Brand New Way -

TYPO3 is a free, feature-rich Enterprise class Open Source Web CMS based on PHP with a vast international community of developers and supporters. is the official resource for TYPO3 and offers tutorials, downloads, an extension repository and information about the TYPO3 community like mailing lists, blog, events
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
TYPO3 released 6.0 beta1
Should install this beta and start playing with all the changes. Sounds very interesting. Also looking forward to #t3con12de to hear and see much more about it and also about #Flow3 1.1.

TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS: Release of TYPO3 version 6.0 beta1 -

The TYPO3 Community has been buzzing with activity the last few weeks, peaking the last 7 days. One reason for this rush in activity is the switch in the TYPO3 Core to support and use PHP 5.3 namespaces like FLOW3. This was an important reason the original release date for the first beta of TYPO3 6.0 was postponed about two weeks.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
FLOW3 1.1 beta 2
There is an interesting blog post from Robert Lemke about #FLOW3 1.1beta2 release and the new HTTP 1.1 support. It's a great framework to build your applications on.

FLOW3 1.1 beta 2 » Robert Lemke

Today we will release the second beta version of FLOW3 1.1. For keeping you updated, I'll quickly brief you with the newest details and my plans for the next few weeks....
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Objektrelationales Mapping mit FLOW3 und Doctrine
Im Mittwald Blog gibt es eine wirklich sehr interessante Anleitung zu QR-Mapping mit #FLOW3 und #Doctrine. Leider nur auf Deutsch.

Objektrelationales Mapping mit FLOW3 und Doctrine « Blog

Nachdem ich bereits in einem meiner letzten Blog-Artikel eine kleine Einführung in das Arbeiten mit FLOW3 gegeben habe, möchte ich in diesem Artikel speziell die Datenbank-Anbindung von FLOW3 betrachten. Es soll insbesondere aufgezeigt werden, wie ...
Categories: FLOW3 [remove] , programming [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Bericht von der FLOW3 Experience
Spannendes Thema. Das Video zu #Fluid werde ich mir auch mal ansehen müssen. #FLOW3

TYPO3 Blogger:
Bericht von der FLOW3 Experience | TYPO3 Blogger
(Peter Kraume)

Am vergangenen Samstag hat die weltweit erste Konferenz zum PHP Framework FLOW3 in Kolbermoor bei Rosenheim stattgefunden. Mit etwa 170 Teilnehmern aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum wurden die Erwartungen des Veranstalters, der TechDivision, mehr als ü...
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