
Items tagged with: FreeHardware

Guido Arnold
7 years ago from mobile
I need a new laptop. Any recommendations?

I'm aware that not all of my dreams will come true, but here they are: #FreeSoftware #FreeBIOS #fair #FreeHardware #sustainable #repairable #modular
Alexander Ross
8 years ago from Diaspora
At last! The crowdfund, i‘ve been waiting for my next laptop. I want to buy all, if not, most of my future devices from this company/brand/standard. There goodies are going to be #earth and #freesoftware friendly, made by an #indie . With #ethical design at its heart. #EOMA68 is here:

Whitepaper: with story examples to help illustrate what this means:

#ilovemyeoma #eomaidea an #eomadevice Had some ideas for devices and added them to the idea page. i like the #projector one and the ravox - #rave boom box- too :) or what about a FOX, a file server box for non-raid file storage or a MOX for a media centre or a camera or a guitar effects box arr heck if i list any more ideas this will become a great big list, just have a look at the wiki page ;)

Tons of info buried on the website:

Yea the website isn’t super sparkly, they work as hard as they can and put most of there efforts into the product. if you can help with managing the website, smarting it up,etc then feel free to join the mailing list and get an account on the wiki :) . so don't be dishearten and think failed or struggling project, cus your wrong hes been at it working towards this point for ages. Laying the ground work, developing a standard that is to last for around the next 10years. So its taken his time in getting it right initially but after this crowdfund things can ramp up and speed up :D ill looking forward to the quad core 2x faster new future brain/cpu card and i look forward to getting the tablet, heck even games console too heh :)

#ethicaldesign #foss #computer #hardware #laptop #crowdfund #libre #eco #environment #solutions #product #ecoproduct #moneywhereyourmouthis #hacker #freehardware #copylefthardware #openhardware #opensource #tech #gadget #earthfriendly #earthday #oshw #allwinner #sunxi #education #alternative #lawyer #cyberpunk #innovation #zeitgeist

Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices

Easily Upgrade and Fix Your Own Computer
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