
Items tagged with: Pumpio

Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora

FOSDEM 2017 - Accepted developer rooms

I see there is a "Decentralized internet" room for the first time, great news! Anyone from #Diaspora, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #GNUSocial, #Pumpio, #Mediagoblin or other #decentralized social network project peeps planning to submit talks? Doesn't look like the call for proposals is out yet for this room. Will be sure to spend some time in this room in any case.

@MediaGoblin (Christopher) - maybe a good chance to push out #ActivityPub if you're planning to attend this year, hmm?

#FOSDEM #decentralize #internet #thefederation

FOSDEM 2017 - Accepted developer rooms

8 years ago from redmatrix
a big Thank You for all the people in the Federation especially those who made, contributed to, or helped someone in any way with Redmatrix, Hubzilla, Friendica, Diaspora,, GNUsocial and all involved with anything that shares the visions of open federation and user freedom

and to all the users too - for spreading the word and giving it a go and helping the networks grow!

#ilovefs #friendica #redmatrix #hubzilla #diaspora #pumpio #gnusocial #federation #freesoftware

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora
So who are the #federated and #decentralized #socialweb people coming to #FOSDEM? Would love to meet! Also dinner/drinks?

#diaspora #friendica #hubzilla #gnusocial #xmpp #salut-a-toi #movim #pumpio #thefederation #mediagoblin #owncloud #indieweb

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